Serq Kitsursagi's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Serq Kitsursagi's first Contract.

Powell River, British Columbia. My father moved us here a few years ago when his father was hospitalized with leukemia in order to be closer to him near the end of his life. He's since returned to the island, but I have elected to remain in my grandfather's old condo. Powell River is a quiet town, with little in the way of urban amenities. Despite - or perhaps because of - its proximity (and ferry) to Vancouver Island, it hosts little more than a population of around 15 thousand and an overused hospital. Many people that live here have moved here in retirement, as its infrastructure, while lacking, is designed with the aged population in mind. The people here are nice, and modern necessities are aplenty (if a touch on the gouging side), so I've seen little reason to move. I attend a marketing course online to "further my education", and appreciate that most of the people here are a touch out of touch with pop culture. It's.. quaint. I like it.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Serq Kitsursagi's first Contract.

Most of the money I have on hand is residuals from my "grifts", as it were. I have a part time job at the liquor store in the name of keeping up appearances, but I try not to maintain *too* much wealth - easier to give away the excess than hire an accountant. I try to live humbly, not out of any desire of prudency, but with the hope to seem less like I have something to hide. I recognize how it may seem counterintuitive. I try my very best to present myself as the tired-looking kid with the weird eyes that spends their Friday nights at work, and I've yet to be given reason to suspect I am viewed otherwise.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Serq Kitsursagi's first Contract.

Humanity is divided. That fact cannot be disputed. Decades-long conflicts have been left to stew, and now more than ever they are flaring up. Arbitrary lines in the sand blind ordinarily-sane people from morality. I should like to fix that. Create a monoculture. I do not think any one nation or people have a superior way of life, so I would not besmirch that - rather, form an overarching culture that precludes but does not reduce them. A way to bind everyone to prove that we are - in fact - one species. I hope I do not have to harm anyone to show the validity of my cause, but I will protect my ideals to my last breath. I will not be stopped.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Serq Kitsursagi's first Contract.

Not really a specific event, but the most defining thing I have learned is that you can just lie on the internet. I know it is not exactly treading new ground, but the fact that it is so easy and so many people will believe you is a very fascinating thing. I have used that fact to my advantage, but likely will cease in the future. It is a powerful feeling, to have so many hang on to the lies you tell, so I can see why politicians do it. Does not make it okay, though. I would say that learning that and having those experiences have made me a more conscientious person.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Serq Kitsursagi's first Contract.

Ashford Quintana, my neighbor. They live in the condo next to mine, and were good friends with my grandfather. Most of his possessions I do not have use for I have given to Ashford. I can't say I know them all that well, but I always greet them and attend whatever functions they try to invite me to.

Bradley Kitsursagi, my father. I have not seen him as of recent, but we speak over the phone frequently. As I've said, he thinks Powell River holds too many memories, and I can't really blame him for not wanting to live in his dad's old house with me. Last I checked, he was somewhere near Victoria. He moves a lot.

Claire Estuar, my... Partner, as it were. In life, not crime. I would call her the closest person in my life, though geographically she would be the farthest. Our relationship is strained, as most long-distance ones are, but we make it work. I have little else to say about it.