Stewart "Stew" Hughs's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Stewart "Stew" Hughs's first Contract.

Stewart "Stew" Hughs' apartment is tucked away in a forgotten corner of Old London, hidden amidst a maze of narrow, cobblestone streets. The building, a weathered relic from a bygone era, stands as a testament to the city's rich history. Its exterior is composed of crumbling red bricks, worn by time and the relentless London weather. The windows, small and grimy, are barred with rusted iron, offering little more than a distorted view of the outside world.

Inside, the apartment is a stark contrast to the grandeur of the city that surrounds it. The space is dimly lit, with only a few bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling, casting flickering, uneven light across the room. The walls, exposed brick with patches of chipped plaster, add to the sense of decay, their once-vibrant colors long faded into muted, shadowy tones.

The apartment is sparsely furnished, with most of the available space dominated by gym equipment. A heavy punching bag hangs from the ceiling, its leather surface worn and cracked from years of use. In one corner, a weight bench sits under a rack of free weights, ranging from modest to imposing, all well-worn and showing the marks of countless grueling workouts. A pull-up bar is mounted in a doorway, its metal gleaming with sweat and determination.

The floor is covered in scuffed hardwood, the grain of the wood almost completely obscured by years of heavy boots and dropped weights. The air smells faintly of iron and sweat, a constant reminder of Stew's relentless training regimen. In one corner, a small, battered table holds a few essentials—a kettle, a single cup, and a few cans of protein powder—evidence of a spartan existence focused solely on survival and preparation.

Against one wall, a narrow, unmade bed is pushed into the corner, its thin mattress and threadbare sheets a far cry from comfort. Above the bed, a single shelf holds a sparse collection of items: a few tattered books on military strategy, a small, framed photograph of his fallen comrades, and a handful of personal effects that speak to a life once lived in service to his country.

Despite the bleakness, the apartment radiates a sense of purpose. Every inch of the space is utilized for Stew's physical and mental preparation, a personal fortress where he hones his skills and plots his revenge. It's a place of solitude and reflection, where the past and the future collide, bound together by the brick walls that have seen better days.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Stewart "Stew" Hughs's first Contract.

Stewart "Stew" Hughs' days as a Royal Guard have become a relentless cycle of monotony, a far cry from the high-stakes missions that once defined his life. Every morning, he dons the iconic red tunic, bearskin hat, and gleaming boots—symbols of tradition and honor that now feel like shackles to him. His post, whether it be outside Buckingham Palace or one of the other royal residences, is always the same: stand motionless, expressionless, and ever vigilant, a living statue representing the might and history of the British monarchy.

For hours on end, Stew stands at attention, his body rigid, his face a mask of stoicism. The weight of his uniform, especially the heavy bearskin hat, is a constant physical burden, but it pales in comparison to the mental strain of enduring the endless parade of tourists. Day after day, crowds gather to snap photos, point, and sometimes even try to provoke a reaction, as if he were nothing more than a novelty, a mere spectacle in their holiday itinerary.

The job, once a position of pride, now feels like a cruel joke. To Stew, it’s a mockery of his skills, his past, and the sacrifices he’s made. He was once a soldier of action, a man who thrived on the edge of danger, where every decision mattered and every mission had a purpose. Now, he’s reduced to a figure of pomp and ceremony, his once-sharp instincts dulled by the crushing monotony of standing still, day in and day out.

What grates on him most is the utter lack of purpose. The role of a Royal Guard is steeped in tradition, but for Stew, it’s devoid of meaning. He longs for the thrill of the battlefield, the clarity of a mission, the sense of accomplishment that comes with protecting his country from real threats. Instead, he’s confined to a role where the greatest challenge is enduring the endless hours of inactivity, the silent mockery of his former self.

Every day, as he stands unmoving, he feels the weight of his unfulfilled potential pressing down on him. The ceremonial duties, once a symbol of honor, now feel like a gilded cage, trapping him in a life of hollow rituals. The constant attention from tourists, who see him as nothing more than a photo opportunity, only deepens his resentment. They’re oblivious to the man beneath the uniform, the soldier who was once a ghost in the shadows, now reduced to a silent sentinel for the amusement of strangers.

Stew is sick of it all—the pointless standing, the endless staring, the suffocating lack of purpose. The fire inside him, once fueled by duty and patriotism, now burns with a different kind of intensity: a desire for revenge against those who betrayed him and the system that has turned him into a mere ornament. Every day spent as a Royal Guard is a reminder of what he’s lost and what he still yearns to reclaim—a life of meaning, of action, and of justice.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Stewart "Stew" Hughs's first Contract.

Stewart "Stew" Hughs' ambition burns with the intensity of a man who has been wronged and left for dead, both literally and figuratively. His driving force is not merely revenge, but the reclamation of his honor, purpose, and identity. Once a soldier whose life was defined by duty, loyalty, and the thrill of covert operations, Stew now finds himself shackled by a role that strips him of everything he once was. His ambition is to break free from these chains, to transcend the hollow existence imposed upon him, and to exact justice on those who betrayed him.

Stew’s ambition is multi-layered. On the surface, it is driven by a thirst for vengeance against the corrupt leaders who sacrificed his team for their own gain and then discarded him like an inconvenient truth. He is determined to uncover every detail of their treachery, expose their sins, and ensure they face the consequences of their actions. He imagines their downfall, not just as a personal victory, but as a necessary act to cleanse the rot within the system he once served so faithfully.

Beyond revenge, Stew’s ambition is fueled by a deep need to reclaim his sense of purpose. He longs to return to a life where his skills are put to meaningful use, where every action he takes has significance beyond the superficiality of ceremonial duty. He dreams of re-engaging in the kind of work that once made him feel alive—missions that require precision, bravery, and intellect. Whether it's returning to the shadows as a mercenary, a vigilante, or an independent operator, Stew knows that his true calling lies far from the mindless routines of the Royal Guard.

Stew is also driven by the desire to restore his tarnished reputation. Stripped of his rank and honor, he yearns to prove that he is more than the failure his superiors tried to make him out to be. He wants the world, and more importantly himself, to remember that he was once a man who could be relied upon to accomplish the impossible. His ambition is to rise from the ashes of his betrayal, to rebuild himself into a force to be reckoned with, someone who is respected and feared once more.

Ultimately, Stew’s ambition is to reclaim his identity—not as a mere symbol in a uniform, but as the man he knows himself to be: a warrior, a strategist, and a survivor. His goals are not just about settling scores, but about restoring his own sense of self, dignity, and agency. He is determined to break free from the cage of his current existence and to forge a new path, one where he is once again the master of his own fate.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Stewart "Stew" Hughs's first Contract.


Sergeant Stewart "Stew" Hughs was once one of the UK military's finest operatives, celebrated for his exceptional abilities in hand-to-hand combat, covert operations, and survival techniques. Born and raised in a family with a deep-rooted military tradition, Stew was destined for service from an early age. His natural talent for combat and strategy quickly propelled him through the ranks, earning him a place in an elite special operations unit.

Stew's unit was frequently deployed on the most perilous and sensitive missions, requiring precision, stealth, and the ability to operate under extreme duress. His codename, "Ghost," was a testament to his uncanny ability to move unseen and strike without warning. His peers admired him, and his enemies feared him—a soldier who always completed the mission, no matter the cost.

The Betrayal:

During a critical mission deep within hostile territory, Stew's unit was tasked with eliminating a dangerous warlord who posed a significant threat to UK interests. Unbeknownst to them, the mission was compromised from the start. High-ranking officials within the government, driven by personal gain, had struck secret deals with the warlord, feeding Stew's team falsified intelligence.

As the operation unfolded, Stew and his team found themselves ambushed, vastly outnumbered, and outgunned. It became clear that they had been set up. Despite their valiant efforts, the team was decimated, with Stew barely surviving the onslaught. Critically wounded and left for dead, Stew drew on his extensive training and sheer willpower to evade capture and eventually make his way back to friendly territory.

Upon his return, instead of being hailed as a hero, Stew was met with a cold and calculated response from his superiors. To cover up their own betrayal, they branded the mission a failure and dishonorably discharged Stew, blaming him for the loss of his team and the mission's collapse.

The Royal Guard:

Stripped of his military career and honor, Stew was offered a position in the Royal Guard—a role intended to keep him out of the public eye and under close watch. It was a quiet exile, where he could be controlled and silenced. Day after day, Stew stood motionless outside royal residences, reduced to a ceremonial figure for tourists to photograph, his mind simmering with thoughts of betrayal and revenge.

The once-proud soldier now felt like a caged animal, his skills wasted as he played the role of a living statue. He loathed the tourists who saw him as nothing more than a spectacle, unaware of the storm brewing inside him. The betrayal by those he once trusted consumed him, turning his sense of duty into a burning desire for retribution.

The Plan:

Stew began to quietly gather intelligence, using the connections he had made during his years of service. He uncovered the identities of those responsible for his betrayal and started to meticulously plan his revenge. His position in the Royal Guard provided him with the perfect cover; no one suspected that the stoic guard was anything more than a relic of tradition.

In secret, Stew continued to train, refining his combat skills to a lethal precision, all while plotting the downfall of those who had wronged him. He knew patience was key—revenge, after all, was best served cold. His role in the Royal Guard allowed him to listen, observe, and wait for the opportune moment to strike.

Now, every day spent standing still is a day closer to his retribution. Stewart "Stew" Hughs, once a loyal soldier, has become a ghost in a different sense—unseen, unheard, but always vigilant. And when the time comes, those who betrayed him will learn that the Ghost has returned, not as a soldier, but as a harbinger of vengeance.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Stewart "Stew" Hughs's first Contract.

Churchill - Stew's Closest Friend

Churchill, a small yet stout pug with a personality as strong as his namesake, is Stew's closest and most loyal companion. With his wrinkled face, big round eyes, and a perpetually grumpy expression, Churchill is a paradox of charm and toughness. His fur is a mix of fawn and black, with patches of gray creeping in as he ages, giving him a distinguished, almost venerable appearance.

Despite his small size, Churchill is a resilient little dog, having weathered life’s ups and downs alongside Stew. He was a gift from one of Stew's comrades years ago, meant as a joke for his hardened reputation. But over time, Churchill became more than just a pet—he became Stew’s confidant and source of comfort. The pug has an uncanny ability to sense Stew’s moods, often curling up beside him when he’s brooding or nudging him with a paw when he’s deep in thought.

Churchill accompanies Stew everywhere, from the dingy apartment to the ceremonial posts, providing a much-needed connection to something pure and loyal in a life otherwise filled with betrayal and bitterness. The little pug is a reminder of the simpler joys of life, grounding Stew when his thoughts drift too far into darkness. Though he’s small, Churchill’s presence is a significant source of strength for Stew, offering silent support in the hardest of times.



Captain Marcus "Mace" Thompson:

Captain Marcus "Mace" Thompson was one of Stew’s closest comrades and a fellow elite operative. A large, muscular man with a sharp mind and a heart of gold, Mace was known for his unwavering loyalty and his ability to remain calm under pressure. His code name, "Mace," came from his ability to disarm any situation—whether through sheer force or quick thinking.

Mace was the kind of leader who always put his team first, and his bond with Stew was unshakeable. They had saved each other’s lives on more than one occasion, forming a brotherhood that extended beyond the battlefield. During the mission that went horribly wrong, Mace was the first to sense the betrayal, but his warnings came too late. He was severely injured in the ambush, suffering a traumatic brain injury that left him in a vegetative state.

Now, Mace lies in a military hospital, his once powerful frame reduced to a frail shadow of its former self. Stew visits him regularly, the sight of his old friend lying motionless a constant reminder of the price they paid for others' greed. Though Mace can no longer speak or move, Stew believes that somewhere deep inside, his friend is still fighting, just as he always did.


Lieutenant Sarah "Sparrow" Evans was the youngest member of Stew’s unit, but her sharp mind and agility made her a force to be reckoned with. With her quick reflexes, stealthy movements, and keen intellect, Sarah earned the nickname "Sparrow," a bird small but swift and deadly. She had a bright future ahead of her, with dreams of leading her own unit one day.

Sarah and Stew shared a mentor-student relationship that evolved into a deep mutual respect. She often sought Stew’s advice, and he saw in her the potential to surpass even his own accomplishments. During the fateful mission, Sarah was hit by shrapnel from an explosion, which caused severe head trauma and left her in a vegetative state.

Like Mace, Sarah now lies in a hospital bed, her once vibrant energy and quick wit lost in the stillness of her condition. Stew visits her as well, the sight of her pale face and unmoving form a painful reminder of what was stolen from them. He often sits by her side, recounting old missions and stories in the hope that his voice might reach her somewhere in the darkness she’s trapped in.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

Growing up, my childhood was the kind of experience many would envy. I was fortunate to be raised in a stable, loving environment where the values of integrity, hard work, and loyalty were not just taught but lived out every day. My parents were supportive and always encouraged me to pursue my interests, no matter how unconventional they might have seemed at the time. The neighborhood I grew up in was tight-knit, a place where everyone knew each other and looked out for one another, fostering a sense of community that shaped much of who I am today.

Central to my upbringing was the figure of my grandfather, who was more than just a family member—he was my idol. A retired military man himself, he embodied everything I aspired to be. His stories of discipline, bravery, and honor fascinated me as a child, and I would hang on every word as he recounted his experiences with a quiet pride. He was the kind of man who led by example, showing me the importance of standing up for what’s right, of being strong yet compassionate, and of never backing down in the face of adversity.

My grandfather’s influence on my life was profound. He was the one who taught me the basics of self-defense, how to box, and later, the fundamentals of strategy and critical thinking. But more than the skills, he instilled in me the mindset of a warrior—calm, focused, and always prepared. He made sure I understood that true strength isn’t just physical; it’s mental and emotional resilience as well. Even as a child, I knew that I wanted to follow in his footsteps, to live a life of purpose and dedication, just as he had.

Those early years were marked by a sense of direction and inspiration, largely thanks to the influence of my grandfather. His legacy continues to guide me, even now, as I navigate the complexities of a life that has taken many unexpected turns. Whenever I face a difficult decision or find myself at a crossroads, I think back to his words, his wisdom, and the example he set. It’s a reminder that no matter what challenges come my way, I have the foundation to face them head-on, just as he would have.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe

For Stewart "Stew" Hughs, the concept of love has always been intertwined with the pride he felt while serving in the military. Unlike others who might find love in relationships, family, or personal connections, Stew's deepest and most profound emotional attachment was to his duty, his comrades, and the honor of serving his country.

From the moment he first put on the uniform, Stew knew that this was where he belonged. The sense of purpose, the camaraderie, and the unyielding commitment to something greater than himself filled a void that nothing else ever could. The military gave him structure, discipline, and a code to live by—things he had always craved but never fully understood until he found them in the service.

The pride Stew felt in his military career was all-encompassing. It wasn't just about the accolades or the recognition, though those were important too; it was about knowing that he was part of a legacy, a tradition of service that stretched back generations. Every mission, every challenge, every moment spent in the field reinforced his belief that this was his true calling. The bonds he formed with his fellow soldiers were unlike any other relationships in his life—built on trust, respect, and a shared understanding of the sacrifices they all made.

This pride became the central pillar of Stew’s identity, the one thing he could always rely on. It was his solace during lonely nights and his motivation in the face of danger. The military wasn’t just a career; it was the love of his life, the one constant in a world that often seemed chaotic and uncertain. He poured everything he had into his service, finding in it a sense of belonging and fulfillment that nothing else ever provided.

But with that pride came an unspoken truth: it was the only love he had ever known. Stew never sought out romantic relationships or the comforts of a domestic life, because nothing could compare to the sense of duty and honor that the military gave him. He sacrificed personal connections and emotional intimacy, not out of neglect or indifference, but because his heart was already taken by the life he had chosen.

When that pride was shattered by betrayal, it wasn’t just his career that was destroyed—it was the very essence of who he was. The loss of his military identity felt like losing the only love he had ever truly known, leaving a void that nothing else could fill. The absence of that pride, that love, has left him with a relentless drive to reclaim what was taken from him, to restore the honor that was once the foundation of his life.