Karn Fenrir's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Karn Fenrir's first Contract.

Karen is currently stationed in Jacksonville Florida as part of a marine detachment to guard the the base.  The military is aware of Karn's Lycanthrope problem.  As a matter of fact, they recruited him specifically due to that.

Karn's lycanthropy makes for a good scapegoat when operating in far off lands, and someone needs to be taken out.  A day or two before a full moon, Karn's unit will sneak into a location and wait for the full moon.  Then leave everyone dead in the area.

Some members of the unit have learned to use the Lycanthropy at will, and not all of them are werewolves, but soldiers of matching animal types often work better together.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Karn Fenrir's first Contract.

Karn gets his money working for the US government.  When he's not on missions, he's working the base IT.  The government provides housing and food, so he's got a lot more discretion with his income.

Karn spends most of his income on survival equipment, armor and weapons.  Karn also likes to build things in his office time.  His hobbies have pretty much made Karn a Jack-of-all-trades, but he doesn't get out much.  Karn isn't much of a social person and prefers to keep to himself.

Karn is hoping to have a home in the future when he retires that is quite remote.  Montana sounds good.  So does Idaho.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Karn Fenrir's first Contract.

Karn sees technology as the root of evil.  Yes, it's provided some benefits, but at what cost?  Working in the IT field has only shown Karn how isolated people are in today's society.  People no longer talk to each other.

Karn hopes to have people reconnect to each other and themselves if technology is taken out, and that does include himself.  Karn is fully aware of how his chosen career in IT has socially isolated him, and his fellow co-workers.  Technology has helped make the world smaller, but it has also put up barriers between people.  It's easy to insult someone through a screen, rather then directly to someone's face.  So if we can make the world big again, maybe people will start to appreciate each other more.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, the hanged man

Karn's most significant event in his life was when he found out he was a werewolf.  When Karn turned 10, his parents started to insist on Karn sleeping in a cage in the basement on nights of the full moon.  Karn hated it, but his parents insisted.  Karn's parents also joined him in their own cages in the basement, and that night, Karn learned of his origins.  Karn never saw his parents the same way again, or himself for that matter.

On these nights, Karn would study his computers in his isolation in the basement, and that's were his love/hate relationship with computers began.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, the hanged man

The person Karn is closest to would be his dad, Kyle Fenrir.  Dad helped Karn accept his werewolf side as more than a mindless killing machine, and inspired Karn to always be thoughtful of others.  It wasn't until Kyle lost his job due to being cancelled that Karn's hate of technology really took root.

The next one on the list would have to be Mom, Sarah Fenrir.  Mom always took good care of the family, and supported Karn in all his decisions.  Even when Karn joined the lycanthropy core.  She listened to his arguments, and nodded her head.

The last person Karn has, that's important, would be his high school sweetheart, Felicia.  They got married as soon as Karn was done with boot camp.  Felicia worries constantly about Karn, but he's always come back from his missions so far.  As far as Karn knows, Felicia has been loyal to their marriage.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, the hanged man

Karn's childhood was pretty normal all things considered for a pair of werewolf parents.  Karn got used to the "monsters in the basement" about once a month that always happened during the full moon.  Karn's parents locked themselves in a reinforced cage during their full moon phases.  Karn was also homeschooled.  It made things easier on the parents.  Karn did make friends at the local playground he was aloud to walk too.

Karn kept to himself, and took interest in technology.  More then once, he got in trouble for taking apart Dad's VCR, DVD player, then the Blueray player, the house hold computer, even the toaster wasn't spared Karn's curiosity.  When Karn learned to put things back together is when Dad stopped getting so angry about it.  Karn's upbringing is what made him such a well rounded contractor, and he aims to have a trick for every situation.  No matter what.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, the hanged man

Felicia is Karn's highschool sweetheart.  Karn and Felicia met one night at the local bar.  Felicia was visiting the town to see family, and she wanted a moment away from them for herself.  Felicia and Karn instantly knew they were made for each other.  They started seeing each other fairly often.  Then Karn decided to join the military, and promised to marry Felicia as soon as he was done with boot camp.  True to his word, Karn came home and married Felicia.  Felicia currently lives in base housing, and she know's about Karn's current medical condition, but she's worried about the kids having it.