Haydn Kasimir Stauss's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Haydn Kasimir Stauss's first Contract.

Weimar was my childhood town, a little sanctum if you will, to escape from the hassle that is my work life. Although my old home had been sold out to some rat who converted it into a dump, my new home is as, if not more, reminiscent of my memories of the life I had before. Warm, yellowed tones wrapped around the walls accentuated by the soft, organs glow of hanging lanterns and lamps to give the sense of ease and warmth, away from the cold weather. The furniture is simplistic in nature with dark wood being the most prominent material for it all. Colorful rugs and plants adorn the living room next to the windowsill, old pictures and memorabilia decorating the walls, telling of a past long gone and crushed by the world.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Haydn Kasimir Stauss's first Contract.

I work as a bio-scientist inside Erfurt, hidden within the preserved medieval city rich with vibrant culture and life. To be more specific, I am one of the many doctors assigned to directly study in relation to various species of creatures within the phylum Arthropoda or simply Arthropods and conduct observations and experiments on them whenever possible. I often spend my well-earned money through the expansion of my artistic abilities, namely oil pastels and inking, as they help me better visualize the world through a new light and allow me to express my thoughts and feelings onto the canvas, even if those thoughts and feels are often… unsavory.

I will not talk about why I buy so many red shades.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Haydn Kasimir Stauss's first Contract.

The emergence or supernatural entities in this world are ground-breaking, so many possibilities and opportunities to progress ourselves forward into an entirely new future. These creatures and magic, to me, will be able to assist us into a new era. And by recording my progress and showing the world what we can truly achieve with this new development, we can change the world into a better place, we can even prevent our world from collapsing under the strains of climate change and reduce the damages brought on by our human industrialization. Then I would be able to help, I wouldn’t be labeled and living down in the ditch as a nobody whose name you won’t even bother to remember. We will bring greatness and vibrant life back to this world once more.