Margaret Douvey's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Margaret Douvey's first Contract.

Currently? Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is the city in which I was born, as well as my parents. I moved away to study abroad in the interest of independence and "expanding my horizons", but all I really got out of that was a load of debt and a strained relationship with my family. Not that I regret studying watercraft engineering in Halifax, but it certainly wasn't cheap! I moved back to Belfast in the hopes that I could attempt to rebuild the relationships with the people I left behind, but I have come up with zilch. My actual place of residence is a basement suite about a 15-minute walk from the nearest dock that I keep as clean as possible. It is not very hard with how little I own.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Margaret Douvey's first Contract.

I work as an engineer at a private dock. The pay is decent, but not enough to give me any amount of spending money. Rent is expensive and maintaining a full set of tools is also expensive so needing to pay for both of those things is an annoyance. I like my job, I think. It comes easy to me, likely because I have spent several years mastering the skills utilized. I have always found the sea very alluring, and enjoy working alongside it. Though, other than getting my boating license, I have not actually been on it that much.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Margaret Douvey's first Contract.

I would like to build a haven amidst the seas. Very fanciful, I am aware, but the brass tacks is this - there is a lot of open space on the ocean. Near the surface, there is little going on, hence why transoceanic trade is so prominent. You could, in theory, have a floating city in the middle of the sea with little consequence to the surrounding ecosystem. It would not take the much work to have it be self-sustaining, and then would become a proper nation within itself. Small enough to be intimate, large enough to be powerful. To save everyone from the perils of the world. Of natural disasters. Of war. Of Strife. I will accomplish this all. But I will not harm to do it, for that would be counter-productive.