Toxadahl's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Toxadahl's first Contract.

New York, been here since I moved. My sister is also here, but she's got her own setup that's really similar to mine, just in another part of the city. We moved out here cause Ma and Pop kicked us out,  something something "not god fearing Christians," they said like we ever believed that shit. Damn, lucky we got out, too; they and the whole cult they tried to raise us in ended up drinking the punch, so to speak.

Anyway, we moved to New York because it was the best place we could find to do what we wanted: me making clocks and such, and my sister working on computer repair.

Oddly, I'm getting way more business than I honestly expected. My sister and I could both afford a bigger place for the amount we've been getting. Won't, though, don't ever expand to meet your tank the instant it grows, just a little by little, that way, if something happens, you can just cut off the growth rather than being fucked and having to cut yourself apart to fit back in the tank.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Toxadahl's first Contract.

Get all of my money from my clock repair and commission. I get a lot more money from it than i expected to be honest, even have a couple regulars who commission a clock every now and then. Don’t get why, but eh, money is money.

as for what i spend it on? A lot of it goes to keeping the place I have, but I planed to have much less room so I have a lot more spare after that and food than expected, i mostly just save it, maybe by new tools, definitely use some of it to get parts, and whatever knick knacks I find interesting in shops or online.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Toxadahl's first Contract.

Ambition? Be a better person than my parents, that’s one of the biggest things. I help the local homeless shelter from time to time, same with my sister.


some of them have taken to calling us “The Godsends”… I don’t like it, but I get why, they shouldn’t need to call us that, they should be cared for by the government. Do you know how many of them are vets? Way to many of them, not to mention the amount of people who ended up like we did, except without a backup plan…


anyways, that second part? Like hell would I kill for it. That goes against the very idea itself.

dying though… does almost getting hit by a car count? I saw a car about to run over a kid, so I ran out and got the kid out of the way, almost got hit myself doing so.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Toxadahl's first Contract.

Most defining event?

…when me and my sister got kicked out.

sure at the time we were scared and lost and all that.

but looking back? It was the best thing to happen to us, saved us from sharing the fate of our parents.


As to how it changed me? Well, aside from not dying, it lead me and my sister on a…journey, i suppose. It left us more aware of the world than we ever were. My sister and I went through a lot of shit in that time, but we persevered, and look where we are now! Both of us have successful businesses, it very easily could have been worse.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Toxadahl's first Contract.

Three people? Eh, that’s pushing it.


my sister is definitely one of them, she actually got Neo-Genis really early into its existence, and only after finding out I didn’t have one got it for me, knowing full well I could afford it myself, she’s funny like that sometimes.


I guess my neighbors? I don’t know their names, but the did help with setting up the shop, and do help in general around the place, I do appreciate their help though, don’t get me wrong.

i don’t think I have a “third”, i might get one eventually, but as of right now, it’s really just been me and my sister…


maybe I should work on that? I guess I might get a third in Neo-age is, apparently it’s really good for meeting new people, might make a few friends there…


I just hope I don’t end up fucking myself over with it…