Nick Kawakami's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Nick Kawakami's first Contract.

The Last Ninja lives in Kyoto, a former capital of Japan. He thought of moving to Tokyo or London (where one of his parents lives) but decided to stay here. Nick always loved this city, it’s rich history, the city’s hidden shinto temples, serene stone gardens, and narrow alleyways provide the perfect environment for his training and meditation (despite the tourist's best efforts).

Nick's home is a modest, traditional Japanese house tucked away in a quiet neighbourhood. The interior is minimalist, with tatami mats (both as a flooring and cutting practice), shoji screens, and a small dojo. A peaceful garden surrounds the house, offering some space to meditate.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Nick Kawakami's first Contract.

He earns his money through a mix of freelance security work and discreet private contracts. He’s been hired for jobs that require stealth, precision, and problem-solving, such as high-profile protection, infiltration, or retrieval missions. Nick spends his money primarily on maintaining and upgrading his equipment and training supplies. The amount of tatami mats he daily cuts through can be terrifying, and expensive..

He also invests in preserving his traditional home in Kyoto, ensuring it remains a sanctuary for both his physical and spiritual growth. 

He thought of taking on an apprentice or two, but ultimately decided that he is not ready to be a mentor.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Nick Kawakami's first Contract.

Nick’s ambition is to end corruption, mostly within the government. He is driven by his belief that true ninjutsu involves not only mastering ancient skills but also using them to promote justice and equality. He is committed to exposing and dismantling corrupt systems that undermine societal fairness and exploit the vulnerable.

To achieve this, Nick employs his stealth and investigative abilities to gather evidence and expose wrongdoings. He will go to great lengths risking his own safety, navigating dangerous situations, and confronting powerful enemies. While he is not driven by a desire to kill, he is prepared to face danger and if necessary use his katana to take a life. More than death he fears that he’s skills will fail him in the moment of need or that a person he trusted will stab him in the back.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Nick Kawakami's first Contract.

The most defining event of Nick’s life was the day he discovered his uncle’s decision not to appoint him as the official heir to the last ninja school. This revelation shattered his childhood dream and forced him to confront the harsh reality. It motivated him to find his own purpose. The answer was twofold. First, the task: to fight injustice and corruption which were too common for his liking. Second, the means: magic-like skills of ancient ninjutsu. He understood that to realise his true potential he needed something more than a cool knife and some hide-and-seek skills, he needed true power.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Nick Kawakami's first Contract.

Uncle Jinichi Kawakami (the closest person) – Nick’s uncle, and master of the last ninja school, Jinichi is a stern, traditionalist figure who believes that ninjutsu has no place in the modern world. Despite his reluctance to pass on the legacy, he is a formidable martial artist with deep wisdom about the art’s philosophy and history. His strict demeanour and deep sense of justice have profoundly influenced Nick, shaping his understanding of discipline, tradition, and ninja code.


Sakura Tanaka - A close friend and ally, Sakura is a skilled (mostly ethical) hacker who is never lost in the digital jungle (unlike Nick). She helps him with information gathering and surveillance. Her tech expertise complements Nick’s physical skills, and her resourcefulness has made her an indispensable partner. Their friendship is built on mutual respect and shared goals, making her his most trusted confidante outside his family.


Kenji Sato - A former rival and now friend. Kenji is a martial artist. His rivalry with Nick could be seen during different tournaments, and now is limited to sparring together.