Atlas Hale's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

I live in Fernie BC, lived here my whole life, my whole family lives here. brother sister and both parents. its a small town and I've moved out of my parents house, they have always supported me. even when I feel like I'm not fulfilling what I'm meant to do. I've just been working doing labor, I've always been strong, though I don't work out or look very buff... I don't feel like I could leave the town, I love may family and want to stay near them. If I was to go somewhere else, I would love to live in Japan, I've always seen it as a place of honour. Plus it would be more densely populated than this small town...

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

My parents say I'm a "good kid"... I'm hardly a kid anymore, my construction job takes me out of town most of the time, there isn't much construction to do here consistently, but the money I do make from that gig I save... I don't really know what I'm saving for, it just feels right? like I'm not trying to buy a house or anything, not trying to buy and expensive car, I just kinda put it in my savings account. and I get lots of fun snacks, cuz I mean, how can I not? I also like to give some to my parents, as they gave me my house. It was in the family, but it was unoccupied, and when I was old enough they just gave it to me.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Thomas Clown Affair

I need to protect those, and keep those innocent safe. I want to know those I save, I want them to know me, I want to be the friendly face of superman, and the man you know in Clark Kent, if that makes sense. I've always felt there being more for me, a push from inside me soul, To protect, to serve, to be great, and destroy that which harms the people. 

My younger sister was kidnapped. at 12, by a sadistic teenager, she was kidnapped and tied up, tortured and nearly killed. The teenager who Fucking stole her... I don't know what she wanted but she was like a fucking mad scientist, and removed her guts. Everyone says it was actually impressive how much she did without killing Heresy. Those people make me sick, to respect what that fucking Psychopathic girl did. 


I killed her.