Aisen Corwell's Cadaver's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Aisen Corwell's Cadaver's first Contract.

Aisen previously lived in Dodge City, Kansas. She was employed in a brothel from a young age, and had no connections outside of Dodge. Her employers were placed in an alley behind a popular salloon. It's patrons were largely gunmen and cattle drivers aswell as a few locals of ill repute. The establishment was decently luxurious inside, or seemed that way at first glance, but was worn and drab on It's exterior. Aisen had not taken this position willingly and as such had a deep hatred for the establishment and the work she did. Her only reason for remaining there was manipulation by one of her handlers. She was cornered and trapped by tales of the worlds cruel nature and promises of security in her current holding.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Aisen Corwell's Cadaver's first Contract.

Aisen's shadow has no form of employment and resorts to theft and foraging to keep Aisen alive. Naturally hard to perceive as she is burglary and hunting are easy tasks. While survival is her shadows only need, memories of Aisen's worldly values drives her to sometimes take unnecessary treats and baubles. Her shadow feels nothing in the way of pain or pleasure, however she is aware of Aisen's sensations and goes to lengths to ensure comfortable conditions. Usually in the form of flexible and practical attire. She still tends to Aisens self image upholding her beauty standards despite it being needless for her work.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, untitled

While her shadows occupancy of her body now keeps Aisen alive she is not entirely present because of her. As long as the shadow remains Aisen cannot exist properly in her form but should the shadow leave Aisen her body will die. The shadow herself is the holder of their guiding ambition. She wants Aisen back and she will kill anyone or anything to get her. Shes willing to risk anything. Anything except Aisen. She wont put Aisen in extreme mortal danger or situations which have low chances of survival. Smuggling theft or murder mean nothing as long as Aisen may return. Nothing is of greater importance to her shadow. Nothing may stand in her way without resistance. She cannot be dissuaded. Her shadows will shall be done. Aisen Corwell shall walk the earth again.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, untitled

In her nineteenth year of life Aisen came to the pinnacle of her despair. She was trapped in a profession she despised; giving herself to men she could never love for a payment she would hardly receive. She could see no way out and no life worth living. Her saving grace came in the form of an impossible entanglement between her dreaming mind and and a drifting consciousness yet to form. This cosmic consciousness latched itself to Aisen and formed itself upon her desires. It appeared in her dreams and wore the facade of mysterious woman with rabbit like features who beckoned Aisen into the realm of dreams. There she played the role of Aisen's lover treating her with the kindness and respect she had been longing for in the waking world. Exposure to Aisen's emotions and desires began to further shape her shadows form. She shifted from a thoughtless mockery of human attachment into a being capable of feeling and decision. Despite this fundamental change in sentience, Aisen's shadow treated her no differently. Her shadow had evolved to truly love her and their love would last long after.