Xander DuBois's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Abundance


Why, these days my home is the open road, the wide open sky, & a lungful of FREEDOM than can only be had in this glorious day & age!

While hailing from down South, from the storied Cresent City itself, I have yet to find a home & in fact I must admit that wanderlust burns strongly in my heart! accompanied by my loyal & surefooted burro, Daisy DuBois, I have no time to settle down! No sir!

There is far to much history to uncover, secrets to unveil, & ladies to tip this fine bowler hat to for Xander DuBois to hang up his spurs, hat, & calipers! Perhaps someday I will set up shop in Lost Vegas or Little Rock...or even return to my beloved New Orleans, open up an antique shop to call my own...

Not today though, no sir!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Abundance

I was brought up in the Antiquarian trade by my Nana...why, you might not know it, but the absence of reliable records makes a skilled & skeptical eye quite valuable in the world. After all, is that REALLY a WWII Era Gerrand Rifle? Or is that vase ACTUALLY a precious Ming Dynasty antique?

Or is it just rubbish, snake oil & moon shine?

A skeptical eye, a well trained mind, & a head full of history help a lot - however, we DuBois have an extra bit of shine to us, yes we do - long line of Psychics on my Mother's side. Why, sometimes when i touch an item it veritable speaks to me. That is a rare talent indeed sir, & demands a handsome price for services rendered!

No small task to convince someone to part with first edition press runs or a Faberge egg when all folks acre about is filling their belly & wetting their whistle! As for what I spend my take on...well, I admit clothing makes the Man & I do in fact like to strut around like a Dandy in my fitted shirt 7 vest, bowler hat & striped pants - none of this grubbing in the much for me, no sir!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Abundance

Sir, I seek nothing more & certainly nothing less than the mysteries of all history. If it is hidden from the light of human understanding & knowledge then it is my holy quest to bring it to the light! My psychic talents help with that a touch, but much of it is old fashioned work & persistence I'll have you know! The Truth is out there, & Xander DuBois means to find it!

Die for it?



Well, knowledge isn't much use to anyone if it is entombed with you like the Pharaohs, see? Obviously to put my learning to work I need to be around to use it...kill people? Gosh, I hope not. Not just to learn a secret, no - save a life yes, I have in fact already done so...however, "Haste makes waste" as a wise man said - History is patient, & I don't need no murdering short cuts to find it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Abundance

The awakening of my Psychic talents came as an unexpected blow to me, but not to my Nana - why to this day i suspect she had already divined the history of that handkerchief before she asked me to clean it...

Ugh...the emotions! Like drowning in a pool of tears, that piece of cloth. Soaked with the sorrow of a woman who had to watch her own sons be buried before her eyes...terrible. Just terrible.

As I cried my eyes out for another human's heartbreak, my Nana then told me that we were special. That I had the gift & curse of what they call Psychometry.

That is, a psychic sense of where things have been, & who has held them in the past.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Abundance

My dear sweet Mother comes first to mind of course, as any right thinking boy should say. Sweet, kind, everything a boy could ask for...Larissa DuBois was all that & more. Never a strong woman though, no sir, & with a kind heart that would lead her afoul of men with bad intentions at times...I was simply unable to leave her side until she was happily married at long last.

My Nana, my mother's mother however, is tough as nails & then some! I learned the antiquarian trade from her as well as my gift for gab: that woman could talk down a hurricane, look it right in the eye as she did so!

These were the women who raised me, & until their is a Mrs DuBois in my life, will always matter the most to me. maybe even after. If I had to pick a third it would be my valiant, loyal steed Daisy DuBois! Caisy is a spirited Burro, rather like a small, sure footed Donkey. Daisy is Sancho to my Don Quixote I feel, my bosom companion in the Wastes!