Jane Thompson's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jane Thompson's first Contract.

Jane was never someone to live in a small town, a quiet town, serene and something magical about that place anyone looking at it would fall in love with. All except her as far as she remembers she always had a dislike for the town never feeling particularly attached to that place. She chose to move to New York in order to become a professor for a very prestigious university, where she would begin to teach the future geniuses of society. Such a prospect is not something someone ambitious would allow to slip her by so despite her parents protest she decided to pack her bags and leave as soon as she could towards her new life, never looking back.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jane Thompson's first Contract.

Jane would earn her money the normal way... Mostly normal way. As a professor she was never payed much as she believed she was supposed to be payed so using her genius mind she began to make use of multiple small laboratories to supplement her paycheck with some dirt money. This lead to her becoming a small time frug maker, with a few caveats she never compromises....ever.

The first one was to use the money gained through this means to give to charity and keep some small bits for herself. She was very frugal with her spendings not seeing the point of buying the newest phone unless her old one died and was unfix able. She uses her free time to fix her phone but at times being inevitable she opens her purse to buy replacements parts for her phone.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jane Thompson's first Contract.

The way she sees the world is that its infected with a parasite known as humanity. She had spent years watching news, researching articles and other news medias. She came to the conclusion that a those that lead are mostly unable to do anything right. She wants to change the world to be smarter and lead by competent people. For such an ambition she would need 1 thing in the world that her job did not giver and that is...power. For that goal she already sacrificed, many hours of sleep as well as relations with others which resulted in her having no friends that she could rely on.  She is very willing to end another live should it it be necessary to gain her ambition.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The monster under the bed

The most defining moment for Jane was when she attended a science fair in the city after her parents had managed to scrounge up enough money to buy her a junior chemistry kit and to be honest it was the best thing she could wish for. This had set her on the path of becoming a chemist as she learned about the different reactions simple elements could do and yes that included the ones that go boom...her mom would constantly remind her of that one incident.

Overall, her interest of chemistry began to grow since then as she wanted to know how these things affect the human body and how it can be used to improve it.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The monster under the bed

Yumi: Was a friend of hers since kindergarten the two were complete opposites with her cheerful personality and her friendly demeanor, she was never left wanting for friends. Yet, she choose to hang out with Jane no matter how much the child tried to push her away from her but never really succeed and somehow as the years gone by the cold Jane had left resigned herself to her as her friend and surprisingly the two keep their friendship through adulthood too.


Carlos: A young Hispanic boy she meet in high school and Yumi's ex-boyfriend. He popular at school for being part of a sports team and keep appearances with being a loving boyfriend to her best friend who was part of the cheer squad. He became her ex-when she found him cheating on her with her friend from the cheer squad and blackmailed her into quitting her captain position. After wards he was suspiciously found unable to perform due to having to spend a lot of time on his porcelain throne due to someone putting laxatives in his and his new girlfriends lunches.


Brittany: Aka the one that broke her friends trust and heart. She was part of the cheer squad with Yumi as well as the vice captain. Was a competitive person she was and worse she was a bully to boot. She would often find people to torment or manipulate with her charm to make them do her homework. Jane would often ignore her which would made her the target of that girls ire and would become a preferred target. Then she had the bright idea of hooking up with the captains boyfriend and blackmailed Yumi to quit the squad or the photo shopped photos would circulate school. She lost her popularity after the 'incident' and moved school.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The monster under the bed

Her childhood was ordinary except for the fact that her parents were working normal paying jobs. Her father was a delivery for local farmers and her mother was working as a full time nurse. The two would always make sure that Jane had the best educational materials and were quite strict with her especially when it came to bed time. They would often leaver her with a cousin or her grandmother while they were working.


But let it not be said that the two were not smart. Her mother sometimes during her work would talk with patients and sometimes she got lucky to talk to a business man and learned more about stock trade with a few tricks that she herself knew to make some extra cash to the side. Her had on the other hand would do deliveries of produce to restaurants and would sometimes gather rotten fruit peels those kitchens did not need or want and would sell them as compost material to the farmer.


That had given them enough of a capital to get Jane through school even if she sometimes had to do work as well in later years. Jane was never one to have many friends except for Yumi. She was the smart kid in class always answering questions and always having the correct answer much to the envy and frustration of the other students which is no wonder she was never popular in school

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The monster under the bed

During her high school years she had a few boyfriends but none of her relationships ever held long enough to be relevant for her, at most they lasted a few weeks or till they finished a group project. This of course made her think that relationships were a sort of transaction that only 2 people do to get something out of it.

It was something she believed till she got out of high school and realized how idiotic that was but she still decided to remain single as she was not going to be tied down by anyone especially her boyfriend.