chibby's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

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I lives in neo-genis in a pharmacy i like to call the "BOBO pharmacy" its a fun place that i fell comfortable in as everyone there loves and cares about me they pat me and feed me  and play with me and i pay them back by helping them in there work and using my power to heal there patients and even attempt some crazy stuff when no one around like doing little surgeries

but overall i really love my place and my people and it feels like its made for me and i would never fell different of it and even if i change it i will never ever forget it 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

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right now i have two main sources of income first it my pharmacy which is not a big deal money wise i just help some patients here and there to get my money but i also have a secound source of income the yensid guild that provides me with a decent budget of 35 k that i mostly use in guild related stuff because thats there rules and i dont want to run over them but i use some on personal necessary stuff too but often tell them about it first to avoid any problem and keep my good kitty status 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

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my ambition and goal is to save and help as many people as possible i would run to save them i would use my powers and energie and i would use my well medical knowledge and skill and at extreme cases im willing to sacrifice my self for someone else if they really need it but i have some limits that i dont want to exceed 

i wont kill anyone in any purpose even self-defence i cant take the pain of seeing someone die infront of me or get harmed for long durations . i also care about my fellow cat and animal friends and i will never hurt one and will trait them as well as my humen patient and try to save them and heal them if they aren't enemies or possible threats

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

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my most choking event that i dont really want to talk about much is my joining of neo-genis i was a humen doctor in my life and one day in my office i got a mysterious box with a headset in it with neo genis written on top i immediately  recognized that name as i always wanted to try it out so i got back home with my outfit still on and i have a staff if asclepius red neckless on and my belove cat chibby beside me and put on the headset to try it out it seemed all normal at first but time pass by and i felt a little dizziness in my head i thought it was because of my fatigue but slowly after the lights caught off and i hear a loud error sound .once .twice .Three time. and then when i unplug my headset i was seeing all dark around me like pitch black and slowly fainted

when i woke up i got in a weird place it looked like a pharmacy and i was confused because i did not go to such place in months so i look around me and everything seemed BIG so i went to the mirror to get the shocking new of me becoming a white cat with a weird red staff if asclepius pinned in my chest

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

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my top people are a women that works at the pharmacy, i really love her she cares about meed give me traits and often plays with me and even cover me up on some messes i do at the pharmacy cause im a stupid cat ,she also take me with her when she is alone at the house she gets scarred by her self and i dont really bother cause a house is better than a pharmacy to sleep in that place get real cold at night .she is the BEST.

and secound one is my boss.yap that sounds unusual but he is indeed really nice he give me money and a place to live in and also take care of me when im sick (because with me he can do none hehe) and i pay him back by taking care of patient by using my unique special medical skills.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

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well my childhood in my real life was great i lived in a rich familly with caring parents in a pretty big house the only thing that bothered me that they were really strict about my lifestyle like no hanging around with some friends no martial art or offensive hobbies ,so to conclude they raised me like a princes but it did not really bother me because i get anything a want at anytime.

and about my education i was the class nerd i studied in a privet school at first and then moved to highschool and then to one of the most famous medical schools in the world to study medicine because it was always my dream to become a doctor and yes i did achieve it thanks to money and hard work of course and after i got my diploma i went out of the house by choice ad went to live alone and work as a doctor with my lovely little buddy chibby  

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

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thats a tough one i did not actually fall in love and thats maybe because of my strict parents that never let me do anything other than school and gaming or maybe its just a me problem because im the biggest introvert you could find i almost never socialise or exit my safe zone to try something new and after i got my diploma i left the house to live alone and only then i got the chance to start actually socializing and improving  my social skill but my life did not last long after i got my diploma because after about 2 months of work as a doctor i got sent to neo genis and trapped tel this moment