Cassiopeia Sonelios's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Grand Theft Grandma

She can see why people have reasons to be where they are in the moment, though Cassiopeia is still trying to find a place that she really connects to. Miami is often hotter than she'd prefer but seeing as she was raised here, part of her feels bound to stay. There's always a looming fear that she'd feel homesick if she left, and with each step she takes towards cementing her position in the community she runs the risk of getting too far to turn away. People ask why she's a barista when she has a degree and two majors, and why she only lives in an apartment if her savings are enough for a house. Her answer is usually a shrug or that she likes where she is at the moment.

Her apartment is a moderate size, filled with mismatched items of all the hobbies she's dabbled in: art, music, dice, textiles, flower arranging, video games, books, woodworking, newspaper clippings, DIY makeup, jewelry kits, and so much more that one would describe the living room as cluttered. She's got a system to the chaos, and often it discourages people from visiting her place. There is a reason for this; at some point someone she loved ended up trying to rummage through her things to find whatever secrets they could. A careless mess of objects strewn across the floor were devastating enough, but to think someone so close to her could this easily break her trust? 

Everyone has secrets.

For Cassiopeia, it's all hidden in her bookshelves. Some of those mythology books are truly as thick as they look, but some covers are just there to conceal all that she holds close to her heart.

No one has the right to pry it open.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Grand Theft Grandma

Working as a barista is far from sustainable, especially considering the usual debt that a university student falls into. However, Cassiopeia is fortunate enough to be in somewhat of a better position. She never mentions what exactly her larger source of income is, only that both of her parents are dead and she is the sole inheritor. People around her, presumptious as they are, have begun to think the worst of her situation no matter how naturally she tries to divert the conversations. Even if she thinks she's kept them at arms-length, it never deters them from trying to find out. Maybe they just want to be successful too, not knowing how frugal she is.

Cassiopeia puts aside some of her money each month to spend on her hobbies, though she's so sparing with her materials that she often doesn't need to use it. Makeup might be her biggest expense from the sheer amount of products she'd need, since she experiments with her looks whenever she has the time. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Grand Theft Grandma

She's seen darkness.

It might be the only thing she sees because she tends to stay in the shadows and observe quietly. Primed for the worst, she feels so much distrust towards people around her that she finds the need to be quite distinct from anyone else just so she wouldn't emulate them. Cassiopeia loses herself in myths and stories that she's read a thousand times because all their complexity has been put into words. There is no lie in a book that she knows from cover to cover. She knows the beginning and the end, she knows the inevitable tragedies and what has led to it. She's seen it all play out before her eyes and she wishes people could just see the same looming storm as she has this whole time.

Maybe she doesn't need to be an oracle to put her observations to good use, but it's the first thing that comes to mind when asked. 

And by "darkness" she really means the absence of light, the absence of happiness, absence of knowledge, absence of all warmth each time she helplessly watches someone fall into the pits of despair.

In taking a major in Psychology, she had originally planned to study further to become a therapist, but if she can take a shortcut towards it, she will. At least with the help of magic, she could more easily help people see the truth of their situations, right?

She wants to tell people what their fate would be if they continued on their maladaptive paths, and she wants them to believe her. Really, she just wants to be heard, but she's told herself time and time again that she is heard, just not heeded. Oracles go insane after a while and therapists need therapy, though that's a risk she's willing to take---if anything she'd be more blissfully ignorant once she's seen so many visions that she can't perceive reality anymore.

She wants to know so much that she'll end up knowing nothing at all.