Kyubey's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kyubey's first Contract.

Oh, me? We i suppose I could answer…



oh you want me to? Alright.

i live in, or rather, near Albuquerque, it’s where I was born and raised…before family moved out of state to a place in the middle of nowhere in the Bible Belt…I doubt I need to explain why a nonbinary person like me needed to get out of there.


but now I’m home! Luckily my grandma had some land out here and bit of spare dosh to higher contractors to help me set the place up, nice and cozy I think, but I’m more…comfortable in Neo-GENIS, especially with that cute little incubator form I made for myself, was tempted to have my human form be the alt, but decided against it.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kyubey's first Contract.

Oh i mostly get my money from dumb little commissions by rich idiots who want me to design and 3d print dumb things, i then put the files up for sale after like, a week or two, the other way i get my money is with investments, really easy to just get enough to be comfortable, don’t need much else, and if i do? I just save up or wait for a sale, plain and simple.


as for what i use that money on?

mostly games and tech upgrades, assuming you’re not meaning my bills and tuition fees, then those are there as well.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kyubey's first Contract.

I’ll start by saying I very much would not kill for it that is psychopath behavior, and I do not condone it.


but as to the rest? I want the world to be more colorful, I’m tired of drab colors like black and grey and brown. It’s dumb, and frankly it’s just boring.


oh, my own outfit and color scheme? White is all the colors at once, and pink is my one of my favorite colors, right next to purple… family didn’t like, I’m sure you can guess why when their “strong” and “handsome” “””son””” like “girly” colors…that was part of why I got out of there, not a major reason, that was mostly the calls for my death for not following “gods plan” but uh, was certainly *one* of them

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kyubey's first Contract.

Most defining event? Only one comes to mind… when my father called for my death, just because i didn’t fit into their neat little boxes, luckily i had already…prepared. Now he won’t ever do it again, to me, or anyone, he’s… not dead, but he’s not able to think, I’ll leave it at that.


other that that? Maybe when gramgram helped me set this place up. Well, helped as in hiring people, she’s a bit frail to be doing construction hehe.

…can we not talk about this? I… don’t want to think about my father, and while I love my gramgram, I’m not in the mood to talk anymore.


thank you for understanding…

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Kyubey's first Contract.

Three people? Hmm, my gramgram for one, she’s really sweet and I always leave her house more spherical than I entered. She sometimes makes mistakes, still calls me her grandson on occasion, but she always corrects herself. She’s trying, and that’s enough for me. She also helped me get on my feet after… that.


that one’s obvious though, the other two? Let me think…


well there’s Stephan, I think he’s got a crush on me? It’d be funny if he did, cause I’m ace, but I won’t talk about it till he actually asks me out, don’t want to make it awkward before that.


and then there’s my massive online following… massive in that there are more than ten of them, frankly I’m surprised i managed to break a thousand followers on my channel, let alone that they like what I do, I do interact with them, but it’s like… not really friends? Just people I hang out with on occasion and talk about new things in tech.