Home is where the heart is, feller. And lemme tell ya, The Rat don’t got no heart… heh.
Don’t need any one specific town anyhow, y’see? Roamin’ around, sleepin’ where I damn well please… the world’s my home, the sky’s my roof, and the ground’s my pisspot, heh. When I fancy someplace enough I’ll stay, till I don’t fancy it no more, y’see? Then it’s back to roamin’ for ole Cain.
Besides, havin’ only one place to hit the hay is mighty dangerous in my line of… work, heh. S’ppose a feller less reputable than me and you might know someplace I return to every single day, well that feller would be thinkin’, ‘well ain’t that Telly bastard jus’ fixin’ for the ole bushwhack?’ and the jackass wouldn’t be half in the wrong, really. S’pposedly.