Xarlasar's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Xarlasar's first Contract.

Well, Arizona is a long way from Texas, i'll tell you that much. I moved here because of college, mostly. That, and i liked the heat.

Rented myself a nice spot in some big-ass apartment block, rooming with one other dude by name of Jason. He's alright, makes a mean omlette.

My room's the usual. Bed, desk, computer, dresser, and that's it. Well, actually, i sleep on the couch in the living room, and i work out of a closet. Same closet i keep my clothes actually. It's a small world, but it's my world.

The college i go to's only like a two-three-hour commute, and that's on a good day. God, i am really not a fan of the city.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Xarlasar's first Contract.

Yeah, i work at this gun shop doing repairs for folks. It's an alright job, well paying, lets me get up close and personal, out of the house. Honestly i have no clue how i even landed the job in the first place, i'm not even graduated yet and i work in mechanical engineering, not firearms.

Of course, i also bought myself a piece. Wouldn't be Texan if i wasn't carrying. This whole Neo-Genis thing is kind of a money sink honestly, but fun's fun and god am i bored.

Me and Jason do the shopping every two weeks, and we spend pretty sparsely outside of that. Freedom of wallet in this economy as a college student in THIS economy ought to be a sea-splitting divine miracle, but somehow we pull it off.

Takes me forever to save for the good stuff ingame though, eventually i got so bored putting in funds i started logging on and making it myself. Less money spent, more fun had, win win.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Xarlasar's first Contract.

Well, the whole fantasy thing is more of a coat of paint. I want to be THE guy for gear, rake in the big bucks. Not greed, just fun. I like makin' shit, simple as.

As for killing? I don't know, i haven't seen anybody die yet. Besides, gearsmithing is a humble profession. No bloodshed, no problem. Though i do suppose i might accidentally invent some nuclear bomb in my basement and vaporize a couple hundred-thousand by accident. You never know with stuff like this.

As for death? Well shit. Whoever tries to rob me is going to learn a lesson, i'll tell you that much. I'm gonna learn that poor sonofabitch somethin' so hard he ain't never forget it none.


To get a little deeper in, i wanna put my college degree to good use in a legal way. Mechanical Engineering is a hell of a job and i don't intend to waste it building factory robots or conveyor belts or a chassis for some killer AI some twenty years down the line, i'd much rather build something reliable, trustworhy. I'm talking guns, trains, whole ass cars, Not any of that fancy electric crap, i'm talking 200 ton diesel engines inside a death machine the size of Washington DC. I wanna see my things work and i wanna see em work good, you feel me?

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Xarlasar's first Contract.


Oh, yeah. My dad used to let me work on cars with him. He were a mechanic y'see. Now, i didn't do too much (i mean, i was like, six, so...), I just handed him tools and held the light straight, but he walked me through a lot of stuff when he had time. Taught me about engines and trains and how a grandfather clock worked, stuff like that.

Little kid me took a lot of notes, and kept 'em close to heart. I used to take apart pens and i'd build legos 'n allat. Eventually i was building mock engines and setting up those big-ass Technix suitcases with all the parts. You could say i was good at my job.

Then i played D&D, and that's where it all went wrong...Scary stuff.

No, no, i'm kidding. I did play a lot of tabletops though, kept my imagination sharp, let me use both sides of my brain. I was always making up crock-ass plans and schemes, even did some doodles for my PCs and i had a decent dice collection.

It was nice.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Xarlasar's first Contract.

Well, Jason. Jason's my roommate. Stand up dude, i think he's gay or something but that's chill. Owns a large majority of the apartment we share.

Also, Jason works at Starbucks and hates his job, Heard he threw hands with his manager once, so they fired him and now he works at a different Starbucks.

Tough motherfucker, quiet, heard he's from Dakota, but he won't tell me which half.


Next is my dad, Michael. Michael's dead.

God rest his soul, he died a couple years back but i still love my old man. Taught me everything i know, so you could say i'm pretty grateful. I think he'd be proud of me but i'd have to dig him up and ask him, heh. Uh...Yeah, also, he gave me his car, and i still drive that car on the daily.


There's this other dude from college, think his name was, uh...Kasey. Met him at a party, we're pretty good buddies. I took him fishing once with Jason like forever ago, and that was some of the most fun i've had. Haven't seen him in a bit though. So, man, i dunno. Maybe he's out there.