Charlie's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Charlie's first Contract.

I live under the 'hub' of the world. Lots of people go in and out all the time. It's very cool.

Normally people live in houses. I don't have one. I live in my train. It's fine, since it's very nice to live in. I can close my doors and the rats don't get in. I hear that people in houses have to struggle with rats too even though their houses have better walls. I bet they're jealous of my train.

I don't get to use a lot of the things that other people do, but that's okay. It's fair, since I don't need a lot of the stuff that other people do and I don't have any of their... 'licenses' to get things with.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Charlie's first Contract.

I do not get money, but sometimes I'm really lucky and I find a few quarters. Eventually if I'm very persistent and I save up I'll be able to buy a book and figure out if I know how to read anything other than my pamphlet. I wonder what kind of book I would get...

Probably something about trains. I really like trains! Trains are super cool. I've also heard people talking about books they've read about magic and sciences and stuff. I would love to learn about magic. I don't know what it does, really, but that makes me curious.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Charlie's first Contract.

I want to connect every inch of the world with my train. It feels... right, for things to be connected like that. To be able to walk through gaps and come out anywhere else in the world.

I would open the world up for anyone to travel with, completely safe. My... my 'friend' who gave me my body didn't get to travel places safe but wanted to see the world. She got hurt really bad because of that. I'll make a world where she could have gone wherever she wanted without getting hurt at all!

I dunno why I'd need to kill for it. This is a goal that helps everyone, doesn't it? And... and I don't know why anyone would want to kill me for it either.

I don't like thinking about that.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Charlie's first Contract.

I guess it would be waking up. I was so sleepy, I didn't even realize I had eyelids to open. When I figured out that I had eyes, I opened them and got to see my train! It's My train! It makes me so happy to think about my train. I had some weird cloth wrapped around my side, but it was super loose so I didn't need to work very hard to take it off. It was stained all red, for some reason.

That was when I started. Like a train going into motion. Slower, then faster and faster. I know that this is what I was made for.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Charlie's first Contract.

Uhhh... I dunno!

I don't really 'know people.' I just wander around my subway tracks wherever I please! Though... maybe I could name a few of the people I've seen!

There was this one guy with a super cool hat, all curly on top so it looked like a big W. His funny boots made sounds whenever he walked, but kept getting stuck on the tracks, silly. I'm much better at walking around under here!

And oh! There was a super pretty woman with a big snake tail! She comes down now and again looking for stuff, but she always runs away whenever I start skipping up to her. She called me a 'Ghost.' That's silly, I'm just Charlie!

Maybe Charlie would be the closest person, I guess. Not me but... the one who left behind my body. I don't know where she went! It doesn't make much sense to me to leave behind a body this cool, after all. I wonder where she went! I'm sure I'll find her one day.