Hector Doomengloome's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Hector Doomengloome's first Contract.

Hector Doomengloome was born, and currently lives in New Jersey. A place he’s both proud of coming from and acknowledges how awful he thinks it is, which in a strange twist makes it perfect for him in his mind.

Although, these days he lives alone in his apartment in a rather shady neighbourhood. Certainly not the best of places, but where else would be be able to live without his landlord kicking him out? Afterall, strange noises can be heard from his place after hours, whether it be the shattering of glass tubes or the gutteral groaning of Hector himself.

He’d be happy to move though, if he found such a suitable place.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Hector Doomengloome's first Contract.

Hector gets his money from various places, selling off his creations and plans to various other strange individuals, tutoring medical and science students, using his intellect to make his way into various more institutions before they kick him out again. Whatever it is, he finds a way to make at least an average amount of money.

Most of this money goes towards living expenses of course, but the rest of it goes directly to his creations, experiments and plans. All those necessary machines, chemicals and the like aren’t exactly going to buy themselves. 

Occasionally, he buys things like candy and soda, usually green as it’s his favourite colour, the colour of ‘SCIENCE AND CREATION!!’. Makes sense.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Hector Doomengloome's first Contract.

Hector will do anything for the upper hand really, well maybe not absolutely anything, but most things. He NEEDS people to understand his genius, he NEEDS to let him work on his research. But no one ever does, kicked out of one institution after another, none of them understand his true intelligence, something about ‘ethics’. How stupid.

Would he kill for it? Absolutely. He isn’t a cold-hearted murderer, but it’s not completely off of the table. If it’s out of necessity, or just a failed test subject, he can cast a corpse or two aside. He’d be nice about it, probably, making sure they have an adequate resting place. But all is ultimately in the name of science.

He’ll likely come close to death too, he does have a penchant for experimenting on himself a little when no one else is available.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Hector Doomengloome's first Contract.

Most likely, it was Hector’s first expulsion from his inital school role. 
He was a prestigious student, a genius with a bright future, many many paths ahead of him. 
At the same time as his studies, he was engrossing himself in ‘independent research’, and later being kicked out for specific reasons he himself does not speak on, but apparently there was some kind of ‘misunderstanding’ amongst himself and the faculties staff.

This caused a string of further actions, his attempts to push himself further academically, but getting discarded at each and every opportunity. He’s a very very accomplished student, but a technically under qualified scientist, doctor, surgeon and dentist.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Hector Doomengloome's first Contract.

Close to people? That’s something Hector really is not. He’s a man of eccentricity and quirks, most of which tend to put people off in his day-to-day life, and so he hasn’t made all that many connections.

However, he is very close with his mother, who in turn is very loving towards him, perhaps the only one. She thinks he’s oh so smart, with or without the blessings of any important school and he tries to visit her often.

As well as this, he keeps centipedes as pets. They might not really count as people, but they’re his companions, and companions he doesn’t actually use as lab animals! He intends to get more of them, finding them interesting and rather cute despite the general public opinion of them. Maybe he’s looking to add ‘entymologyst’ to his list of ever expanding self-proclaimed titles, or maybe they’re just the only things that have tolerated him so far.