Dante Walker's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dante Walker's first Contract.

Dante Walker lives in Bhadlurad, the once-great capital of Vakious, now enveloped by a mysterious purple dome. Bhadlurad is a city that matches Dante’s love for nightlife, adventure, and the unknown. The city is a haven for the unaffiliated, those who seek independence from outside empires and gods, which suits Dante’s free-spirited, rebellious nature. He thrives in the loose moral environment, where strict rules are an afterthought, and magic flows with little enforcement.

Dante is currently homless but he envisions a loft in an old, refurbished warehouse near the heart of the city. Industrial pipes line the ceiling, and steam occasionally hisses from vents. His living space is a blend of modern comfort and urban grunge, with mismatched furniture, brass gadgets, and neon signs lighting the walls. This chaotic, lively environment reflects his connection to the city's pulse.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

So far, Dante has not really made any money yet. He has taken a job from Uncle Nicky, who has paid him a few chits of the Fog Hound faction. His first plans for spending any money all have to do with basic survival. Food to eat, somewhere to sleep, clothes to wear, hopefully a roof over his head, weapons for protection, medicine, etc. This place is proving to be a difficult place to stay alive, but Dante is hopeful he will be able to find opportunities as time goes on. His recent colleagues have been already proven to be of some help.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

In the past, Dante's ambitions have been almost entirely social, and, frankly, frivolous. Parties, fame, women, good times, etc. But slowly a connection with the city itself crept in and started to make him care for the well being of the world around him. His ambitions now are changing and evolving. He would not be able to tell you what exactly they are. He still has vanity and desires of his own. He is also called upon and called to by the city and by its denizens. Why should he be burdened to care for these others, and for these streets? But it cannot be avoided. There is some spirit or power at play, drawing to him, making him feel.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

The most defining event of Dante Walker’s life happened on a late night, deep in the underbelly of the city, when he first truly felt the city's pulse. He had always been in tune with the streets, but that night, after a particularly wild party and one too many drinks, something shifted. Dante found himself lost in the labyrinth of alleys, surrounded by steam and shadows. As he staggered through the darkness, the ground beneath him seemed to hum. Lights flickered in response to his touch, and the air vibrated with unseen energy.

Suddenly, the city spoke to him—not in words, but in sensations, guiding him back to safety. In that moment, Dante realized he was more than just a partier drifting through the night; he was connected to the very soul of the city. From then on, he embraced his role as a conduit between the living and the city’s spirit, though he still indulged in his carefree lifestyle. This newfound power and connection set him on a path where he balances hedonism with responsibility—always with a smirk, and always on his own terms.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

1. Kasey “Sparks” Monroe (Closest Friend)

Kasey, an engineer and self-proclaimed inventor, has been Dante’s closest friend for years. They met during one of Dante’s frequent nights out when Kasey was testing a homemade gadget in the back room of an underground bar. Their connection was instant—Kasey fascinated by Dante’s uncanny ability to navigate the city’s streets and Dante intrigued by Kasey’s tech savvy. Sparks is the practical one, keeping Dante grounded when his nightlife indulgences get out of hand. They often work together, with Kasey modifying gadgets for Dante to better interact with the city’s mystical elements.

2. Lilith Kane (Former Lover)

Lilith, a nightclub owner with connections to Bhadlurad’s underground magic trade, was once romantically involved with Dante. Though their romance fizzled out, they remain on complicated but friendly terms. Lilith still has a soft spot for Dante and occasionally calls him in when she needs help dealing with magical disturbances. Dante, meanwhile, can’t resist her magnetic personality and glamorous lifestyle.

3. Tomas "Tommy" Wolfe (Frenemy)

Tommy Wolfe is a local hustler and minor gang leader who both admires and resents Dante’s connection to the city. The two have a complicated relationship, filled with moments of mutual benefit and heated rivalry. Dante respects Tommy’s street smarts but knows not to trust him fully, as Tommy is always looking for an angle. They occasionally work together, but Dante never lets his guard down around him.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

Dante Walker’s childhood was a complicated mix of discipline and rebellion. His father, Colonel Marcus Walker, was a high-ranking military officer, known for his strictness and unwavering sense of duty. Marcus expected the same from Dante, pushing him to follow in his footsteps. However, Dante’s free-spirited nature clashed with his father’s authoritarian lifestyle. While his father drilled him in discipline and respect for authority, Dante often found himself rebelling against the rigid structure of military life.

Dante’s mother, Elena Walker, was softer and more understanding. She encouraged Dante’s creative side, recognizing his unique connection to the world around him. She often served as the mediator between her son and husband, trying to balance Marcus’s tough love with her nurturing spirit.

Dante attended prestigious military academies due to his father’s position, but he never truly fit in. While others thrived in the regimented environment, Dante found it stifling. He was more interested in sneaking out at night to explore the city, partying, and making connections with people who lived outside the law. He grew up feeling like an outsider among his peers, rejecting the structured life his father represented in favor of the city’s chaotic energy. Though he learned to play the role of the dutiful son, deep down, Dante always knew he was meant for something far less conventional.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Unusual suspects

Dante Walker has been in love once, with Lilith Kane, a captivating nightclub owner who seemed to embody everything Dante loved about the city—its mystery, its danger, and its allure. They met during one of Dante’s late-night escapades, and their chemistry was undeniable. Lilith was as drawn to Dante’s charm as he was to her power and influence in Bhadlurad’s underground magic trade. Their relationship burned hot and fast, filled with wild nights and whispered secrets.

But eventually, Dante’s carefree lifestyle and Lilith’s ambitions began to clash. She was focused on expanding her control in the city, while Dante resisted being tied down. Their romance ended in a bittersweet breakup, with both acknowledging that while they shared a passion, they wanted different things. Though no longer romantically involved, they remain connected, occasionally working together in the city’s shadowy world. Dante still carries a soft spot for her, though he knows their paths have diverged.