Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's first Contract.

Gabriel lives in the city of wonders, Los Angeles. The streets are busy and there are constant sounds, whether that be the neighbours from the thin walls or the cars from below, the city is never dead and is always moving. He holds a fondness for this city and loves her like he would a lover.

His apartment is on the third floor, it's quite average from the outside not looking any different from the other carbon copies pasted on the same block. The interior, however, is something to note. The place is surprisingly sparse, while its obviously lived in, it doesn't look like Gabriel plans to live here permanently. The apartment is decorated with things that could easily be packed away, such as small knick knacks that makes the place feel a little more lived in and colourful fabric draping all over the place to give it a pop of colour. Gabriel's apartment looks similar to himself.

Inside of Gabriel's room is a vanity dresser with makeup and magazines on, an unmade bed, and a wardrobe with clothes spilling out of it.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's first Contract.

Gabriel gets his money from working as a talk show house and carefully balancing the line between "close friend" and sugar baby. While working as a talk show host is something he finds rewarding and progress towards his main goal he despises his boss there and his previous co-host. Sadly, he doesn't earn as much as he likes as a talk show host as they don't have the best ratings, so he has made friends with some people in higher places. He walks the thin line between trying to remain "friends" (he doesn't gaf about them but also doesn't want to give them sugar) with them while also trying to get them to pay his rent. Finds it demeaning but reasons it away as an investment for his future so sticks through it, he also doesn't really have a choice if he wants to keep living in the big city and keep his life style.

He usually spends his money on upkeep for his looks. Whether that be makeup, clothes, and the such. He also spends money on dinners to try to keep his boss happy or try to make more friends in higher places.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's first Contract.

He wants to be recorded down into history, he wants to make an impact on the world and wants to have the peoples adoration. There is a reason why Gabriel had picked this name for a reason, he wants to be worshipped.

Gabriel envies celebrities for their cult-like fanbases. The way people throw themselves at the boots of these people, begging, pleading for scraps, yearning for affection despite how implausible it is; he enjoys the way fans would defend their idols regardless of the facts, he enjoys this all. He wants that cult-like adoration all to himself, someone to beg on their hands and knees for his attention. He wants to be loved beyond reason.

If Gabriel doesn't become famous by 40 he's going to become a serial killer instead and become famous that way. While this is not his ideal, he figures that being a serial killer would get your name written down in history and if he's charismatic enough people will probably find this alluring or try to "fix" him. Not the plan but if all else fails, this is his back up plan.

While's definitely willing to kill other people to reach his goal, he is not willing to die himself for it even if it gets him martyrdom. Fame can only be enjoyed while you're alive afterall. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's first Contract.

Oswald was a young socially awkward child who didn't know how to talk to others. He was quiet, shy, weird in a way; there was just something off about him that children could tell. It was like the other kids could smell the lack of parental guidance he had in his life. While his parents left him to do other things, in an effort to occupy him had left him an abundance of films and comics for him to watch and read. In these stories he was in awe of the characters but most of all, he was envious. He envied the way that superheroes always had a heroine for them to come back to, how the popular jock boys were adored by everyone and how the rag tag group of friends always stuck together through thick and thin. He wanted that, he wanted someone who would always stick with him and always love him.

He tried mimicking these heroes but it wasn't quite right, the children could still tell there was something off about him. This was when he discovered celebrities, they were loved by everyone. Regardless of what their farce or persona, these celebrities were loved, adored, worshipped. Their wrong doings were defended, odd behaviours explained away, their crimes were ignored, fans defended them with reckless abandon and mindless devotion, that this was when he knew what he wanted to be in life.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Oswald "Gabriel" Auclair's first Contract.

1. Emilio "Emi" Sato (they/she/he) | Friends? Lover? Queer Platonic Partner

Emi is the closest person to Gabriel, they have a complex, probably toxic, relationship with each other. They're kind of friends, kind of lovers, but would be more accurate to say they're in a queer platonic relationship. Emi is the only one who probably knows how much of a major nutcase Gabe is and has accepted them for it. Emi doesn't discourage Gabe's negative behaviour and often enables it, finding Gabe's behaviour kind of cute in a pathetic dog way. Gabriel uses them as a way to fulfill their need for affection and despite what he will say, is genuinely fond of them. Gabriel likes how they don't find him crazy, believes in him, kind of loves him, and in exchange Gabriel is Emi's number one supporter regardless of whatever wrong Emi does. 


2. Abigail Patel (she/her) | Ex-Cohost

Abigail was a twenty-five year old talk show host who used to work at the same company as Gabriel before getting a newer, better job. They both have a dislike of each other, Abigail finding him disingenuous, fake, and hypocritical bitch with an issue with her for no reason other than his fragile ego; Gabriel just hates her for being younger and better than he is. They often argued off-set with it sometimes even escalating because of Gabriel's actions. Gabriel has: once tried to sabotage her script, tripped her on "accident", spilt coffee on her script, and given many, many passive aggressive comments. Do note that while Gabriel is an asshole, he will not do anything obvious (or severe) that would be detrimental to his career, he always aims to have plausibility. 


3. Antonio Garcia (he/him) | Object of Obsession

High school classmate who Gabriel regularly stalks on social media. Oswald and Antonio never really talked despite being in the same social circle. Oswald despised Antonio, hating how genuine he is and was envious of his life. Antonio is well-loved and was popular in high school, he didn't even need to pretend like Oswald did to gain this popularity. Antonio frequently volunteered, helping out in the community or with other events, he was the star basketball player, smart, and was almost valedictorian.

After high school, Antonio went and got his degree for electrical engineering. He was married to his high school sweetheart, Sophia, and after school had moved to a larger city with her for more opportunities that would better both of their careers. They had a daughter together, Eliana, when they were twenty-four before divorcing each other recently on good terms. He has shared custody of his daughter, is well off and has expendable income, has continued volunteering frequently, enjoys going to church, taking his daughter to fun events, and is generally a well-respected and beloved man.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

While never physically abused, Oswald was neglected and emotionally abused for the majority of his childhood. He was to be out of sight and never heard, that was the arrangement with his parents. His mother was outspoken and well-loved in their small community who liked the idea of a child in theory but not in practice. Often times, she would go arrange family vacations, events, or bring Oswald somewhere just to be reminded of why she disliked doing this. Oswald's father on the other hand was busy working in the farm, making sure everything was kept up and if not that, drunk to high heavens. The only time his father spent with him was when he was teaching him how to take over the business, how to fix things (he disliked this) or how to shoot (the only thing he enjoyed) and many other “manly” skills. Oswald's father often took his anger out verbally on him when he was drunk which Oswald usually ignored. Overall, Gabriel thinks for a childhood, he could've had worse.

Gabriel thinks he was raised pretty well. He thinks that he was taught good life skills from his dad regardless of how much he actually learnt and was loved by his mother. When he left town neither said goodbye but he didn't need goodbyes. They helped make him a self-sufficient adult, he could do so many things the other kids couldn't do and he feels grateful for that.

When Oswald attended school it was a mix bag of reactions form youth to his teen years. He was under socialized and didn't quite understand the right social cues to make friends in elementary school, leaving him to be isolated. In high school he had a better attempt. He watched videos, practiced, and finally was able to blend in with the herd. While not as popular as he would've liked it was one of his first successful attempts at social interaction. When he reached university, he didn't even need to practice, Gabriel had perfected his method and he was as popular as he once wanted to be, despite that, he didn't know why winning felt so soulless.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gabriel doesn't love in a way that's conventional. He doesn't love like those people in the movies, in those comic books or manga, not even the same way as his parents. The first person who he loved was Antonio Garcia, while not quite love it was closest enough it could be called that. While he was envious of him, he also admired him in way; Antonio was just, so genuine. He was authentically himself, he was kind, he was nice, he was interesting, and so much more. Hands brushed, snickers shared, with him, it kind of felt like they were in a story book and that was all Gabriel wanted his life to be. Being the heroine in the story is good enough for him if Antonio is the hero. Gabriel frequently stalks Antonio on social media, and when he first heard of the divorce? He felt pity, sympathy, but he was also so, so, giddy.

The most recent person Gabriel loves is Emi. They love them wholeheartedly. They accept Gabriel with everything, they enjoy his crazed thoughts, his awkward moments, and the times when second-hand embarrassment would usually kill a man. They're the first person to love them, mental illness, delusions, and all.