Kee's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kee's first Contract.

I live in Seattle Washington! I love the weather and environment, the nearby forest is nice, provides me some cover for if any of my crazy machines go awry! Not to mention I'm only a bit away from my dream workspace, NASA headquarters! My home is simple, its a small manor that lets me do what i want without privacy concerns, I should probably downsize though if i want to not attract attention, however the pro's currently outway the con's.

My workshop is something different however, i have lots of space and machines that are capable of high end fabrication, they are tuned to the point they are beyond even the best factories! I will acquire my dream and no one will stop me.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kee's first Contract.

I get my money by a mix of patents that i develop, as well as my workshops production, commissions turn out to be a awesome way of making money, people want finely crafted materials and creations, though steel crate's have been the most consistently bought item, i wonder why.. and i spend a lot of my money on random gadgets and hobby materials, drones, mimicry aircraft, subscription to satellite imagery so i can view our beautiful earth.. along with many other things, like candy, or snacks, lays baked chips are my favorite though. But yes, My money amount is massive and i have too much to know what to spend it on..

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kee's first Contract.

My ambition is to spread my influence across the galaxy and harvest materials from distant exo-planets, doing so would be amazing and so allow us to experiment and advance technology to the point of advanced space civilization, imagine all the wonders, especially if i acquire a unknown material, even just a power source could fix so many problems we have in the world.
I am willing to go extremely far to achieve this goal, i MUST expand into space and allow myself to become the main diplomat to those in space, if i fail to do so i would not know what to do with myself. Death would not even be proper punishment for my failure to achieve my ultimate goal.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kee's first Contract.

The most defining event in my life would have to be when i learned about space in school, it inspired me and my dreams, made me begin to study engineering and EVA mechanics, studying all forms of science possible, so i can pilot a space craft eventually. I had managed to do this thankfully, using my knowledge in technology and science i was able to create a successful commissioning business with metal cutting. This is what provides me with so much money after all, which funds my research into space crafts. Space is truly my goal, it is me and i am it. we will be one and the same eventually..

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Kee's first Contract.

I do not have many people in my life sadly, i am rather anti-social if anything, i find myself always lying to make myself seem uninteresting, so that they don't become attached to me, that way i can develop myself in space without issue. Friendship is a weakness i do not want, at least, friendship with those who are useless to my goals. I will become greater then them and advance myself. 
My parents are my main friends, everything else was just acquaintances i do not know anyone closely besides them, My parents keep reminding me i should make friends while i am training to be a EVA technician, but i refuse every time, stating the same thing over and over again.
However if i were to acquire a proper friend, i fear it may lead to weakness, i am afraid of it.. truly, as my advancements may remove my humanity at that point, so i may join the deep void of space.