Buck Boone's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Buck Boone's first Contract.

He currently lives in Washington DC in a quite lovely apartment. He doesn't really have a choice in where he lives right now he doesn't earn enough from his job to move. His apartment is quite small as that was all he could afford, the entire apartment, however, is filled to the brim with many cowboy related items decorating it. He has a model gun tacked on the wall, non-fiction books on cowboys in his bookshelf, some rope he was using as a lasso on the floor, some ammo for his pistol underneath his couch and bed, and his many, many, cowboy hats lined up with its on shelf on the wall with clear care. There are also a surprisingly large amount of horse only related things as well, with some pictures of beautiful stallions jumping in the air tacked on the wall too.

Once he earns enough money his dream is to be able to move to Texas (cowboy central) and own a stable and farm.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Buck Boone's first Contract.

He gets his money from working at a museum which isn't that much but it makes him happy. He also gets a lot of help from his parents who often invite him to dinner and gives him leftovers. He usually spends his money on paying off his debt that he got from his nursing degree, which he dropped out of in his second year. The massive amount of student loans he has form this has also furthered his belief that the government should be dismantled.

While Buck often spends his money on trying to pay off his student loans or cowboy related stuff he actually spends the most of it on shooting, lassoing, and general survival lessons. His dream is to one day end all governments and recreate the lawless wastelands and for that to happen he has to be self-sufficient. It would be embarrassing to end all governments and die at the end because you didn't know how to live without the government.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Buck Boone's first Contract.

He strives to end all governments and recreate the lawless wastelands of the Wild West. As you may tell, he is somewhat of an anarchist, believing that laws are kind of restricting peoples rights to do things and that humanity should revert back to its dog eat dog world.

While he wants to achieve this, he knows that the government would stop him so he's kind of at an impasse right now, unable to do anything but plan. When he gains the abilities the contracts he will begin inputting his ideas into society and begin his takeover slowly but steadily. 

Yes, he would kill for this. It's a given to kill as there will be no laws against murder once he ends all governments. Cowboys were not goody-two-shoes, and he knows that better than anyone.

Buck is going to die a cowboy in a cowboy way, that is his wish. If he can't die for his cause, he will die knowing he has made an impact.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Buck Boone's first Contract.

The most defining thing in Buck's life was his elementary school family tree project. While at this point in time, Buck already had a bit of a fixation on cowboys, horses, the Wild West, etc. And then, when he had asked his parents for their relatives for this project and found out he had a cowboy as an ancestor? Yeah, he went buck wild. He fixated immensely on her, tracking down her life events, and then that was when he found out he's a direct descendant from her. This solidified his belief that this was meant to be and he would bring back honour to their legacy through him and revive back their hooting tooting cowboy rooting ways.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

1. LARPing Group | Friends

He's closest to his larping group. They're a band of friends who have accepted his odd obsession with the cowboy era and even had their own! A lot of them also wears what people would consider outlandish in public as well. From fully decked out wizard garments, lolita fashion, goth, and more! They're a mismatch group who care for closely for each other and Buck would die for each and every one of them.

2. Maria Boone | Meemaw

His mom is one of his heroes! He thinks very highly of her and appreciates the help she provides to make his life easier. He also appreciates that they loved, cared, and accepted him for his odd obsessive interest in cowboys and didn't ever pressure him when he did bad in school during his youth.

2. Nigel Boone | Peepaw

The one who enabled Buck's interests. He was the first person who taught him how to shoot (when he was of legal age), general survival tips, the one who took him camping, and generally, the one who taught Buck all his non-academic skills. He owes a lot towards him.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Buck had a very happy childhood. He was raised by his mother, Maria, and his father, Nigel. While there were some financial difficulties when he was a child he was satisfied with his life and rarely noticed those struggles thanks to his parents. His mother was sweet, kind, understanding but pragmatic in a way that could be read as rude. She had taught him how to interact with people, although it didn't quite stick, and generally, how to survive in the present day. His father on the other hand, taught him more life skills more suitable for surviving in the wilderness and the such. He attributes the both of them to the majority of his skills and is thankful for them for preparing him for the world.

Buck has always excelled academically in school. He often got straight A's, with the occasional B every now a then. While some kids found his obsession on cowboys somewhat strange no one really bullied him for it as he was a teenager, of course they had a phase where they loved cowboys every once and a while. The problem came when he began to constantly dress as a cowboy and larping as one. This had brought some mocking laughter, but Buck never paid attention to it. Buck's happy with himself, he likes who he is, cowboy obsession and all.

While Buck wanted to pursue a major in art conservation his mother had dissuaded him, saying that they didn't earn a lot of money and that he should pursue something more practical. He agreed and started majoring in nursing which he had dropped out two years in.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Buck has never been in love. He doesn't really have any strong romantic feelings in general, he doesn't even know if he's capable of having them. While not opposed to the idea of a romantic partner he has never seek one for himself. Although, he thinks he has been very close to falling in love before. In his high school there was a girl obsessed with horses and while Buck wasn't as fanatic as she was he still enjoyed her company and talking about it. They played the stable girl games together before she had to move away. They departed with a soft goodbye and he has never seen her since.