Dile Delma's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dile Delma's first Contract.

Dile lives in a rental apartment in a big city like new York, he works as a math and history teacher in a public middle school to do his research in secret he devoted him self to find any knowledge about this "era of the red blood moon ".


Dile lives alone in his one bedroom apartment. the bedroom have large bed, a desk with a computer on it. Samurai movies and anti-hero movie posters, a lot of Rock and metal band posters, Rock music playing 24/7. a picture of his ex girlfriend (Yuri) on his desk. 

he dated her for 3 months and she said "It can't work out between us" and left with out giving him a reason, Dile thick it was Probably the baths. he enjoy them too much she most have felt jealous, or maybe something else..

his Livingroom have a big couch and a tv on the wall, a coffee table with a videogame console on it, Large empty pizza box with videogame  controller on top of it, history and math books all over the place, his unmarked students homework's, and unfinished quizzes on his laptop on the couch with a Bag of chips on top of the laptop keyboard barely touched.    


kitchen, a fridge with a picture of his classroom students hanged on it filled with leftovers pizza, a microwave with partially eaten pizza slice,  and a trash bin filled with pizza boxes. Dile doesn't know how to cook. he really like pizza.


unusually clean bathroom, a lot of bath booms in the tub.  Dile  loves his baths. he have three different bath robes, comfy robe, dark robe and a fantasy robe, a robe for every occasion, a wine mini fridge in, with cheese and cracks box above the mini fridge, with a shelf of Novels books in Variety of generals, Action, Romantic, Sci-Fi, Mystery etc..   

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dile Delma's first Contract.

Dile works as a math and history teacher in a public middle school. He teach a class named the salamanders, they were known for being the worst classroom in the school but after Dile came to teach them he realized that they were misunderstood, and helped them find their true Passion in life.

the class have 13 students,

1- Eve: Strong, short tempered girl with long red hair.

2- Max:  Crude, Sarcastic, boy with short blueish hair. he likes to hang out with Zack.

4- Dan: they call him lizard tongue.

5- Lily: sweetheart but creepy long black hair, Goth.

6- Gohan: Coolheaded and smart, but can't understand people, nerd.

7- Calab: Creative but very annoying, he is always so random.

8- Terra: stuck-up, egotistical, arrogant, snotty, rude, and mean girl who was also a stereotypical blonde popular girl.

9- Yoko: shy and insecure, largely due to being put down by popular girls like Terra. She enjoys spending time with her friends, she secretly have a crush on Terra.

10- Zack: cocky and arrogant, prone to mistreating or mocking those that he sees as superior or more intelligent than himself. he bullies Gohan a lot.

11- Mandy: irredeemably cruel, spoiled, heartless, horrid, and unsympathetic little girl, she regards herself as being superior, however in secret Mandy truly loves her classmates and cares deeply for them.

12-Makoto: vibrant and youthful personality, filled with innocence and uncontrolled passion, girl she have a red highlight in her hair.

13- Aurora: She is quiet, reserved, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. girl, she always wears her hoodie.


 Dile west his money on pizza, books, and videogames.. and bath booms.

mostly on history books for his research looking for Ancient records or lost forgotten history documents.

fantasy classic Victorian clothes are not cheap too..       

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dile Delma's first Contract.

He believes that in his past life he sold his soul to the keeper of hell "Chaos", she cursed him with immortality. He need his immortality and power back. Dile Stroke a deal with "Chaos" to lend him her power  she cursed him with immortality and granted him a touch of chaos. He helped his friends escape their unfortunate fate from the grasping of darkness and strike fear in the heart of their enemies and won an ancient war long have been forgotten. 

The test of the chaos power were too sweet as it scared his soulless will,

He wanted more he wanted to become a chaos immortal god, to change the unchangeable and Subjugate fate to his will, the mere thought of Chaos giving him an opportunity to change futures, change lives,  save an entire nation from falling into ruins, grants him the greatest pleasure.  


Dile feels like it is his Purpose to reclaim his immortality and strength back.. and seek more, if he was chosen to return to a time of peace that means that The evil dwellers Of the night will raise once more. For that Dile stop at nothing to reclaim his destiny once more, to be the hand of Chaos and use her power for the greater good once more. No he wanted to take her place! Not even Death will stop him from achieving his goal.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Dile Delma's first Contract.

A nightmare that he saw one day, Dile saw him self at the school, running .. found him self Infront the Salamanders classroom , blood Boring out underneath the door. Dile hesitate, but open the door anyway. He saw the window with the sky dark as coal , Blood red moon filling the sky as all his students being devoured by The evil dwellers Of the night.  Dile can never stop thinking about this nightmare it can not escape his mind. " I will sell my soul a million time if I can prevent such darkness to be witness by them my Precious students .."  

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Dile Delma's first Contract.

Nobody have come that close to Dile yet.. 

other then his students he have no one..

his students :


1- Eve: Strong, short tempered girl with long red hair.

2- Max:  Crude, Sarcastic, boy with short blueish hair. he likes to hang out with Zack.

4- Dan: they call him lizard tongue.

5- Lily: sweetheart but creepy long black hair, Goth.

6- Gohan: Coolheaded and smart, but can't understand people, nerd.

7- Calab: Creative but very annoying, he is always so random.

8- Terra: stuck-up, egotistical, arrogant, snotty, rude, and mean girl who was also a stereotypical blonde popular girl.

9- Yoko: shy and insecure, largely due to being put down by popular girls like Terra. She enjoys spending time with her friends, she secretly have a crush on Terra.

10- Zack: cocky and arrogant, prone to mistreating or mocking those that he sees as superior or more intelligent than himself. he bullies Gohan a lot.

11- Mandy: irredeemably cruel, spoiled, heartless, horrid, and unsympathetic little girl, she regards herself as being superior, however in secret Mandy truly loves her classmates and cares deeply for them.

12-Makoto: vibrant and youthful personality, filled with innocence and uncontrolled passion, girl she have a red highlight in her hair.

13- Aurora: She is quiet, reserved, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. girl, she always wears her hoodie.


his only family was his mother who died while he was in high school.

No friends ever understands him..

everyone who got close like his ex girlfriend (Yuri) just leaves him with no reason.


One of his co-workers was nice to him, a young woman a new science teacher. her name was Elie.