Gundar's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Gundar's first Contract.

Gundar lives in the Appy mountains, its the closest thing to his old dwarvish mountain home. He occasionally leaves on trips to other states to visit the natural wonders of the American wilderness. A dwarf may spend all their time in the mines and in the shop smithing away but that doesn't mean they don't appreciate the sun and the surfaces wonders. After all the sun is a source of heat and fire and those are key to a dwarf's creations. His current home in the Appalachian is built on the side of one of the more discreet mountain ranges, Gundar prefers his privacy afterall, it has a walk way built along the side of the mountain once the terrain becomes too steep to traverse normally. The walk way eventually lead to a wooden door, upon entering through said door a person will be greeted with a wide open room full of amenities. One side of the room is a bedding and resting designated area, decorated with animal furs along the floor to be used as rugs, a bed, a dining table with a couple of seats, a fireplace with a fire running at all times, as well as a seat with a smaller table and a candle stick in a holder to see. On the other side of the room is a kitchen area with cabinets and a fire stove. Next to the cabinets is a door that leads to a smaller room that serves as a food storage area, all food and drink and all sorts of ingredients are stored here. In the middle of the whole room however is a door with a stair case that leads into the deeper down into the mountain, upon descending one will reach the black smithing room where Gundar creates tools and weaponry. Along the walls are racks of tools and weapons ranging from swords all shapes and sizes to tools such as hammers and pickaxes. On a smaller table is more of a wood working station lined with sharp tools meant to dig into woods of all types of hardness. One side of the room is dedicated to heating and hammering all the metals. The staircase continues to lead on deeper however but at the bottom all that lies is the mine where Gundar retrieves all his metals and working materials from within the mountain.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar smiths his own metal jewelry and coins whenever he gets low on money, he then goes to the nearest town or major city and pawns it off to a jeweler in exchange for money. Although Gundar is pretty self sufficient he does like to indulge in American consumerism, he's capable of cooking and brewing his own meals and alcohol but that doesn't stop Gundar from buying a good ole juicy burger with a nice cold tap beer. He also has found himself intrigued and captivated by the recent introduction of Gunpla figures in his life causing another form of drain in his savings.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar is striving to craft and make his magnum opus, the artifact he will craft that will grant him a spot in the hall of master dwarf craftsmen. He will strive to find the ultimate metal and tools to craft this artifact, he is willing to risk his life for the process of creation as so is the will of a dwarf. Once a dwarf sets their mind to craft there is nothing that will stop the race of creators from piecing together their ideas and bringing it to fruition. A dwarf's blood is creation after all, to strip creativity from them is to sentence them to death. Dwarven ambition for creation and constructing is built it from generations upon generations of craftsmen.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar was originally from middle-earth but do to mystical otherworldly forces was transported to human modern day earth. He resides in the closest mountains resembaling middle-earth. Before he was transported here he was in the middle of creating his ultimate legendary artifact but now he has lost all progress and must start all over again. He decided to explore this new world and see what new sort of metals there are to be tampered and used in creating tools and weapons. Gundar was changed in the fact that now he has a whole new world to explore and begins to think that maybe his artifact doesn't have to a weapon of war or a tool for work and maybe just a work of art something that Gundar would be happy to claim as his greatest creation.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar didn't have many close relations back in middle earth but the closest thing he has to a friend currently is his smithing hammer. That hammer has been through thick and thin with Gundar and he could now stand to lose it. He would rather die than be separated from his hammer. Gundar has uses that hammer for every creation he has made, it is like his family or more so an extension of his being. To be left without his hammer is to be left with a whole in Gundar's being. He is incomplete without that hammer. He would do anything and everything to get his hammer back should it come that they are left without one and other. He is prepared to level cities just to feel the soft wooden handle in his hands, the handle crafted from wood harvested from Yggdrasil itself, with a head made of Adamantite that Gundar himself had harvested.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar's parents were Gyren and Galdrina, he lived with them until the age of 15 when he began to go off and live on his own. During his childhood he fit in relatively well with his peers, although he had a knack for craftsmanship at a younger age than most dwarves did, on the days Gundar didn't go out parading around the hold with his fellow young dwarves he would remain at home within his room chipping away at stocks of wood or molding blocks of metal into his new creation for the day. As he grew his knack for creation did as well, at some point he began distancing himself from friends and family and began working on his crafts non stop. Eventually, at the age of 15, he was hit with new inspiration. He decided to explore the world and leave his dwarf hold behind and view the worlds wonders for himself, to find and be inspired for his artifact.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Gundar hasn't been in love in the typical romantic sense with another sentient being. More so he is in love with creation and how something is made, he is in love with the process and struggle and steps to make anything and everything. He stands in awe when a woodworker takes their carving tools and begin to chip and chisel away at the wood revealing the elegant form hidden underneath all the overlapping layers of wood. He revels in excitement seeing a carpenter construct a new building, watching as he brings down his hammer with all his might. Might fueled by his desire to support his family, his desire to aid whoever is in need of a house, whoever is in need of a road, a tool, a weapon, a toy, a utensil. Gundar is love with creation and the process, he firmly believes everything has a use.