Rusty Barton's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Rusty Barton's first Contract.

You're asking about me? Well if you really wanna know, my name's Rusty and I'm a washed up homicide detective from Brooklyn. I'm still living in this shithole cause I've got some business to deal with. Some bastards Italians killed my wife and my baby boy, it was me they should've killed but they knew that this was a worse punishment. So now I'm staying in a dirty apartment stuck on the past and trying to bring justice to those crooks who wronged me and stole life from innocent people. My apartment is dirt cheap, only $150 a month but the El tracks keep blaring all night and day shaking the windows like its a damned earthquake. Hoping that I can bring in some more cash soon to find a better room so I can maybe sleep good again.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Rusty Barton's first Contract.

At the moment I'm doing freelance detective work but work's been slow cause the cops have been more on top of things around the city. But usually I've got a couple of jobs to work on at once so I can keep my mind off of the bad things. Right now though I'm really needing something to do, all my money is getting pissed away from trying to repair some of the shit leaking into my room. Other than buying my fuel, food and booze, I really don't buy all that much. Trying to stretch every dollar I can until work picks back up.