Sergeres Faltoma's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sergeres Faltoma's first Contract.

Sergeres lives in the city of Neo Amsterdam. He moved there after feeling estranged back in the states and up until recently, enjoyed his life as an average rabbit living day to day as an up and coming writer. His small, run down apartment features a a desk with papers, pencils, and a laptop where you would normally find a television. His room is fairly plain with a simple bed and several posters of various places he would some day like to visit. The light blue carpet is soft and gives way to tile where living room meets kitchen and you can see several hanging pans and cooking utensils next to a spice rack. A small fridge hugs the wall along with a microwave, followed by a small stove. The entry way is narrow and sports a shoe rack opposite a small closet for coats and hoodies.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sergeres Faltoma's first Contract.

Sergeres writes articles for the city newspaper "The Shingle Fuck" about his experiences living in the US and in his spare time he writes novels. Right now he is known in the writing industry and has published a few books. He has even gotten a few best seller awards for his stories. They are works of fiction and typically feature grandiose stories of adventure and mystery. He has even been approached by an editor but is hesitant to take them up on the offer. He hopes to one day be a well respected artist in his field. But he does well for himself for now.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sergeres Faltoma's first Contract.

Ever since Serge found he had a knack for telling stories he has wanted to write books. Ever since he was told that his books were fantastic by his small fan base, Serge has wanted to see just how far he could go with writing. He believes himself to always be improving. Finding and discovering new ways to implement different styles of writing through research and widespread experience. His newfound gift allows him to become even more creative with his writing. Often adapting new ideas and playing off of his own adventures to lend to the power of his books. It is his main focus in the world right now and he is eager to see just how high he can climb.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sergeres Faltoma's first Contract.

For Serge, the most defining event was realizing that he would have to broaden his horizons for his writing. The best way to do that being to move overseas and experience tons of new cultures, experiences, and people. He made the decision to move instead of just visit places because moving also provided new chances to make connections. It allowed him access to oddities and pleasures that he didn't before. It altered his mindset and opened him up to a lot of new possibilities which he used and reflected in the books he wrote soon after he moved and it made him more confident.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sergeres Faltoma's first Contract.
  • Toflin Faltoma - Tolfin is Sergeres' younger brother, closest friend and confidante. His quick wit and charm turn head wherever he goes, and he has an uncanny ability to lighten the mood. Although we often find ourselves in trouble together, his creativity and carefree spirit remind me to embrace spontaneity and find joy in the little things.

  • Eldrin Cress - Eldrin is a wise scholar and historian. He runs the local library and has a knack for uncovering forgotten tales of the past. His passion for knowledge draws me in, and he often shares fascinating legends that spark my imagination. He has a gentle way of challenging my beliefs, helping me grow in my understanding of the world.

  • Belinda Rose - Belinda is a spirited artist and my neighbor. Her vibrant paintings reflect her joyful personality, and she has an uncanny ability to see beauty in the mundane. We share many late-night conversations over tea, where she often sparks my creative side. Her passion for life is infectious, and she always pushes me to embrace my own artistry.