Lev's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

Birmingham. Born and raised. Lived some time in London but couldn't afford the rent. I'm not exactly a people pleaser type. I don't want to work in a shop, and I prefer to do my own thing. That being I've got a little bit of a nack for sewing and cloth so I make my own. Sell patches and shit online. Makes a little bit of money for the alt types in the city. Wannabe punks that want to look the look but not walk the lifestyle. It's fine.

Got my own little flat with some lovely neighbors. Keep the gardens tidy as a side gig, do whatever it takes to get by. I keep the hooligans at bay during game time and everyone has a good time.  

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

Got a little online shop. Lightning Viking. Fast deliveries. Managed to scrape up enough for a car, beater really to get things shipped pretty fast if you get the priority option. Makes a little, so I do the food delivery. No ride share though, I'm not a taxi service. Other than that, you'd be surprised how many folks in your community need stuff done. So I make myself useful. Help people move, tend the garden, power wash the walk.

I'm an artist somewhat. I can sew, so I make patches off the machine, sew modifications for a decent price on whatever you fancy. Like I said, wanna be punks out there aren't in short demand, and I supply.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

You ever hear of the frogs in a pot thing? You throw a frog in boiling water, they'll jump out. it hurts. But if you stick a frog in some cold water, and slowly raise the heat, they get used to it until they boil alive.

People right now aren't noticing they're going to boil. Not just in the climate sense, mind, I mean politically too. Bunch of despots are starting wars, and we're just letting em. Letting them bomb civilians and not doing shit about it. Thing is we're all just hoping the water cools down. But it's not going to. We're so used to the pain we're just letting it be normal. After all, we've got two day shipping an netflix haven't we. Comfy. Nice and warm.

I don't want to go froggy. We can do something, there's enough of us to overthrow the kings and dictators. We can **FIX** things. I just need to wake up enough people to do it. World's ending, I know it. So if I punch my ticket early, at least I'll have tried and not gone out like a frog.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

Got the sob story really. Short end is I beat the shit out of my dad because he deserved it. Stuck around after for a while but nothing to do about it now. Got kicked out and started doing art. Turns out violence works sometimes. But a thing I learned was you can always choose to fight back. That and my dad folded like a pool chair so it wasn't really that hard.

My point is that you aren't really hopeless, you always got some options, even if the options are shit. Don't give up just because things look grim. I guess I should follow that advice now I know the worlds gonna end eh?

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

####  Victoria
Older Sister. Much older mind, but still around. She never liked dad either and once we were both liberated, we reconnected. Fancy doctor and all in the city. Good for her. Pediatrics, general meds and things. NHS doing something right for once hiring her on.

#### Tawny Welch
Rich girls need friends too. Tawny is a riot at parties. She likes my style and I fancy hers, but I'm a gutter kid so I keep a safe semi-professional distance when she's involved. Her parents got old money but she's just living the 20's life and getting into trouble. Me, I'm trouble. Luckily she knows how to keep a secret, even if we have some crazy nights at concerts and shows. Good people, at heart.

#### Mal
Don't know Mal's whole name, don't care to. I think he's got sommat to do with crime stuff because he keeps things close to the chest. Or maybe he's just quiet, I suppose. Mechanic, and a good one. Been seeing his shop for near a decade now, knows his way around a car or bike without too much fuss or questions. Big bloke, but always helpful when you're in a bind. Invited him to some shows and things. Doesn't drink though, never asked why.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

oof getting deep here. I don't really *believe* in school, hear? It's not actually meant to teach you a whole lot other than how to take orders. Parents got me into the catholic school too, so got a double scoop of the perennial combo of religion and submission. If you haven't gathered, I'm not one for either so I was a shit student. Maths and such is fine, I just don't really mesh well with schedules and getting punished for bullshit.

Schools meant to train you, and I don't take well to training hear?

Family life wasn't good. Sister got out early. Dad fell apart after mom died and drank himself stupid so I raised myself. Computers, music and anything but the home life. I couldn't be controlled so I became trouble. Guess we'll see if I'm good enough trouble on contracts. I'm not a doctor like Bast or a reporter like Liv but maybe I'll find a niche eh. Always liked running...

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

Ok closest thing I've got to love is Tawny, but I don't want to ruin her life.

Believe it or not I was quite the gentleman in school. The hair, the disrespect for nuns. All the moves a schoolgirl desires. Fun thing about getting out in about is you learn to talk to people. Everyone wants something, and if you're smart you can figure out what they're pulling for. There was a few long gone girls from school I fancied but right now I've got some higher priorities, believe it or not.

If someone comes along I'll not say no. I'm not a broody book villain, I'm human, got needs. And I like people. Believe in people. So yeah I believe in love.