Jebidaya Springfield's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jebidaya Springfield's first Contract.

In the heart of Saskatchewan lies a forgotten remnant of the pioneering spirit—an old homestead that once thrived as a bustling farmstead. This land, now desolate and overgrown, tells a story of resilience and hardship, echoing the lives of those who once called it home. Here, Jebidaya stands as the sole inhabitant, surrounded by the remnants of a life filled with activity and community.

The Homestead's History

A Glimpse into the Past
The homestead was established during the golden age of westward expansion, a time when settlers sought new opportunities in the vast grasslands. Originally, this farm was a hub of activity, with ranchers, farmers, and numerous maids working together to cultivate the land and raise livestock. The family that once thrived here has since scattered across North America, leaving behind only memories and echoes of laughter that once filled the air.

Life on the Range
Jebidaya's life is a stark contrast to the vibrant community that once flourished. He tends to basic farm animals—perhaps a few chickens clucking in the yard or a couple of goats grazing nearby. The old barn, now weathered and creaking under the weight of time, serves as a shelter for these animals but also as a reminder of what was lost. The fields that once yielded bountiful crops are now choked with weeds, their fertile soil lying dormant.

The Challenges of Loneliness

Isolation in Nature
Living in such isolation can be both peaceful and haunting. Jebidaya finds solace in the beauty of nature surrounding him—the expansive skies, rolling hills, and whispering winds. Yet, the silence can be deafening at times, amplifying his solitude. With no family nearby to share in his daily routines or celebrate milestones, he often reflects on his ancestors who braved similar challenges.

Memories of Community
The absence of neighbors is felt deeply. Jebidaya often imagines the gatherings that would have taken place—a barn raising here, a harvest festival there—where laughter and music would fill the air. He recalls stories passed down through generations about how families relied on each other for support during tough winters or when crops failed due to droughts or pests.

The Legacy of Pioneering Spirit

A Testament to Resilience
Despite the challenges he faces, Jebidaya embodies the pioneering spirit that built this land. He cultivates a small garden, growing vegetables that remind him of his family’s heritage. Each seed planted is an act of defiance against time’s relentless march—a way to keep their legacy alive.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jebidaya Springfield's first Contract.

Jebidaya's life on the old homestead in Saskatchewan is defined by a frugal existence, where every dollar counts and is meticulously allocated. His income primarily stems from odd jobs such as cattle driving and selling skins and meats, which require him to be resourceful and adaptable in a landscape that has changed dramatically since the days of his ancestors.

Financial Management

Spending Habits
Jebidaya does not indulge in unnecessary expenses; instead, he prioritizes spending on essentials like trapsammo, and liquor. The traps are vital for hunting small game, which supplements his diet and provides additional income through sales. Ammo is essential not only for hunting but also for protection against wildlife that might threaten his livestock or crops. Liquor serves as a rare indulgence, a way to unwind after long days of hard labor under the vast Saskatchewan sky.Income Sources
His primary sources of income include:

  • Cattle Driving: Jebidaya occasionally finds work as a cattle driver, a role that requires skill and experience. He may take on various positions during these drives, such as point man or flank rider, each demanding knowledge of cattle behavior and the terrain. These jobs can be physically demanding but offer a decent payout.
  • Selling Skins and Meats: Jebidaya also engages in hunting and trapping, selling the skins of animals he catches along with any surplus meat. This not only provides him with cash but also helps sustain his solitary lifestyle by ensuring he has food on the table.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jebidaya Springfield's first Contract.

Jebidaya’s life on the old homestead in Saskatchewan is not just a tale of survival; it is also a quest for knowledge and understanding of the mysterious world around him. With a deep-seated fascination for the unknown, his ultimate goal is to catalogue and chronicle every cryptid, monster, and entity that roams the vast wilderness. This ambitious project has become his sole focus, providing him with purpose in an otherwise solitary existence.

The Genesis of His Quest

A Childhood Fascination
From a young age, Jebidaya was captivated by stories of strange creatures and supernatural phenomena. Growing up in a family steeped in folklore, he often heard tales of beings that lurked in the shadows—beasts that were said to haunt the prairies or entities that danced on the fringes of reality. These stories ignited a passion for exploration and understanding, leading him to dream of documenting these elusive beings.

The Catalyst for Change
As he grew older and his family dispersed, Jebidaya found himself increasingly isolated. The loss of community and connection left a void that he struggled to fill. It was during these quiet moments, surrounded by nature's beauty yet burdened by loneliness, that he resolved to dedicate his life to this grand project. The idea of creating an encyclopedia of cryptids became not just an obsession but a lifeline—a way to channel his energy and curiosity into something meaningful.

The Encyclopedia Project

Methodical Documentation
Jebidaya approaches his project with the meticulousness of a scientist. Armed with notebooks, sketches, and photographs, he documents every encounter with creatures that defy explanation. Whether it’s a fleeting glimpse of a creature lurking in the woods or strange tracks found in the mud, each observation is meticulously recorded. He creates detailed descriptions, including habitat, behavior patterns, and any folklore associated with the entity.

Hunting and Trapping Techniques
His experience in hunting and trapping plays a crucial role in this endeavor. Jebidaya develops unique methods tailored to each cryptid he seeks to understand. He studies their habits, learning when they are most active and what attracts them. This practical knowledge allows him to set effective traps or create lures designed to draw these elusive beings closer.