Pringles's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Bootleg Name

"Oh, I live right nearby actually! Little place called Acme. Pretty small, everyone knows everyone, one post office kinda place. Lots of beautiful scenery there, I recommend you go there after you're done with, uh-"

[a break in the recording, followed by: ]

"Not a lot of people live there, which is kind of ideal for me. Nice and quiet, but I can get around and run my business as a guide to the surrounding mountain region easily enough - anybody that's going up into the mountains is okay with driving a little out of the way anyway, and I can usually meet them out there too. Nice camping, as well! You should check it out afte-"

[The tape ends.]

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Bootleg Name

"Right now I get most of my cash from my small business! I say most, but I mean all, haha. Cause I guess tips are included in the cash I make from the business, right? Basically just walking around with strangers, but I dress it up nice. You know, backpacking guide or nature guide or whatever the tourists are wanting that day. I guess I should work on the stay away fro-"

[The tape cuts, continuing with: ]

"Most of my cash goes into advertising, you know SEO type stuff, as well as fuel, keeping my car running, and the actual gear I use."

[The tape ends there.]

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Bootleg Name

[Pringles looks a little vacant in this tape, unlike the prior ones where they've seemed animated and present.]

"I just want everybody to be safe, you know? If someone's getting shot, well, I'd like them to not be. Or if there's a rockslide, I want it to fall a few steps further from where my charges are. Or if there's any sort of fu-"

[That last sentence gets Pringles animated again, as they start to raise their voice, before it cuts back to the vacant look as they continue: ]

"If somebody's gonna die out there it needs to be me. That's what they pay me for - to make sure no one dies out there. But if someone does, I'm the one without anyone to go home to."

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Bootleg Name

[Pringles looks scared, in this one.]

"I mean, this was fucked, you know? It's hard to describe, but... I mean... Are they okay? Did you guys get them out? Not all of them, I know that. I looked one in the eye. I don't think they were still there, if you know what I mean. Yeah, of course you do. Look at your gear. This is just a Tuesday for you, isn't it?"

[There's a pause, and the tape cuts ahead a bit]

"I mean, I think I'm okay? I don't feel weird. Nothing that you said might happen is happening, so. Was that rea-"

[The tape ends there.]

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Bootleg Name

[Pringles looks happy as this tape starts]

"I mean, best person in the world, nay, the universe... gotta be Jerry. That guy's on another level. He's like if you grabbed an Angel and mashed it up with the Giving Tree and then poured that slurry into a mold of like... a golden retriever. But it was a person, I guess. That mighta been a bit much but you know what I mean. Guy's a bottle of sunshine. He runs the grocery store in town, did I mention yet? So he knows everyone, too. His wife, Gene, is a bit of an oddball, and always gives me weird looks that I can't really figure out. Loves her wine and cheese spreads, though! I've been invited over to their place for charcuterie and red wine more times than I can count. They're also friends with the owner of the diner, Charlie. She comes over for the charcuterie too, a lot."

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 5, The Endicott's Affairs

"Oh, growing up was alright. Didn't have any big like, problematic events or anything. Just normal through and through. My parents were... "

[Pringles' brow furrows. He trails off, and the tape skips ahead.]

"... Middle school, yeah. People always thought I was weird, called me a hippy and stuff. I just liked hanging out in the forest by the school during recess though, which, that's not that weird. Some of the kids were running around peeing on walls or whatever. You'd think they'd prefer one who just sat on tree roots sometimes, am I right? It got a bit better in high school, cause suddenly it was less about the freak that runs around in the trees and more about the nerd who knew a lot about hiking which worked out a lot better for me! I started helping out on trips out to hikes pretty early and got some pocket change from that, and, well, just kinda grew from there."

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 5, The Endicott's Affairs

"Um, no, I don't think so. I mean I've like, dated a bit, but nothing like what Jerry and Gene have, you know? Nothing real. I've tried but it just doesn't feel right. That's why I hang out with both of them so much - it feels nice to be included, and sort of feel that vicariously, you know? Like, maybe it'll rub off on me a bit and I'll find someone that makes me really feel that way."

[Pringles looks thoughtful.]

"Wait is this, like, relevant? These aren't going to be made public or anything, right? We can cut that part out?"