Sable's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sable's first Contract.

Her home is a hollow tree trunk filled with a mossy bed. Her home is a cave, emptied and dry and shielding from the cold. Her home is by a warm campfire, with the sizzle and crack of cooking meat roasting above the heat. Her home is the remains of a cabin built long ago by someone familiar, creaky and aged like the limbs that had put it together. The East Siberian taiga, the expanse of trees and rivers and snow, are all part of her home. The cold bite of winter, the still rains of summer. The deer, the wolves, the fish and the birds. 

She accepts them all as part of her, because without the forest there is no where for her to go.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sable's first Contract.

Sable is a decent hunter, better trapper. There are some neighboring communities she has become friendly with, bringing extra pelts and meat to trade or sell with the locals. Some offer her shelter when the Russian winters are particularly brutal, and when it quells and calms she returns to the forest. Any money she saves is spent on supplies and trade; she has no use for novelties and technology where she resides. 

There is a stuffed animal her mother had made when she was very young that she will also keep well intact. Many of the elderly women help keep the toy in good condition in exchange for help around the house and some company, which is a trade Sable is more than happy to make.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sable's first Contract.

The animals are not the only ones that roam the forest and walk through the village. They are easy to miss, of course, but the well-trained eye can pick them out between pine needles and alleys, roaming and watching in the shadows. Some come with pleasant conversation, some scurry off and disappear, others continue to quietly gaze, as if there is an invisible window with the most beautiful sights that only they can see. These creatures come in all shapes and sizes, and Sable will give any she finds a nod or a wave as she passes by. Some of the smaller ones like to follow her and sing and dance when she cooks or hunts, and sometimes she joins them. She calls them her imaginary friends, and if locals catch it they've learned to not question it. The girl has lost everything, there is no point in questioning her imagination. 

She wants to create a world where they can live openly with other folk, where she can openly chat with them and not get concerned looks. No declarations of insanity or witch craft, just a normal life with her many little friends. As for how far she will go...if she is willing to kill...death is something she is already so familiar with. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sable's first Contract.

Sable had been taught how to hunt and fish by her father, how to build a fire and cook by her mother, and how to sew and repair by her grandmother. The cabin was so full of life when they were all together and she learned so much from her family while they were here. 

The winters are harsh, however, and you must be strong and wise to survive. 

Her grandmother fell ill when she was young, passing away just before spring. Her mother joined her father on hunts to help gather more food, and many days they came home with nothing. Any food scraps they had were passed to her, and she slowly grew while they slowly withered. Then one day they went hunting and didn't come home by dusk. She waited patiently as night fell, watching the shadows creep across the walls. They snarled with red teeth, their bodies radiated darkness. She did not sleep, waiting until the sun rose high and the only thing remaining were messy tracks that wandered off into the distant trees. She found them later that evening, wrapped around what was left of each other in a pile of crimson snow. 


Sable ate what she could gather. She kept her strength up through the winter. And she continued onward, returning to what remained of her home until she had adopted the taiga as her own. 

She was 8.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sable's first Contract.

The Domovoi: a strange creature that has taken residence in her old cabin. He keeps the hearth lit and warm, and keeps Sable company when she visits. 

He is small bodied with long limbs and nails, a wiry beard and big eyes. His back has a hunch when he sits, and he rarely moves when Sable stays over. His small talk is minimal, but his company is refreshing, and his favorite spot is beside the fireplace. 


The Leshy: a rather lanky individual who likes to play in the forest. A sapling has taken root in his back, though its growth seems to be stunted. Sometimes he plays tricks on Sable, but more often than not the two provide company and friendship to one another as they run through the trees. When they play games, he always wins- usually because he vanishes before Sable can catch him. 


The Dvorovoi: a small being that lives in the farm fields on the edge of the village. He tends to the crops and the animals, and is usually busy fidgeting with straw when Sable finds him. They don't talk as much, but she makes sure to say hello when she passes by.