Simmy's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Simmy's first Contract.

Hi! Hello- hi. I live by the sea, seeing boats go in and out all the time. I like it because the wind let's me glide farther, even if I can't fly yet like the seagulls can. I live here because I was born here, not because I'm attached.

My home is a collection of things that I like on the roof of a very tall building. Sometimes it rains, so I put a tarp over everything with it doesn't get wet. People tell me I can use my money to buy a better home, but I don't see why I would want to do that.

Well, maybe I'll move out once I can get started on my robot project.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Simmy's first Contract.

I do a lot of odd jobs around where I live, and some of the 'different' people tip me weirdly well. I dunno why they do that, and the ones who do always seem red-faced when they do. Doesn't matter to me though. I get the money, no takesies backsies.

I don't really buy much of anything yet. I buy tools and I buy books on robotics but I don't pay bills.


I feel like at some point I'm going to get evicted. Can you even get evicted if you don't legally live somewhere? If not evicted, then that.

Maybe I should try and find a house.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Simmy's first Contract.

I want to make all sorts of friends! Big friends, small friends, friends with laser beams and cannons and armor...

And I mean it when I said 'make'. I want to make real, actual robot friends who can talk to me and everything! Robots are super cool. They're strong and reliable and can do all sorts of things. I want to be the best roboticist around, so that whenever anyone ever needs to make any kind of robot they'll come and ask me for help and be very very niceys to me in order to make sure I'm willing to help them.

I don't think I would kill for it, I'd just figure something else out. I'm super great so people wouldn't want to hurt me, would they? That's dumb.