Anton Gray's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Anton Gray's first Contract.

I live in New Haven Connecticut, a poor town in the richest state in America, a town in the shadow of a prestigious Ivy League University. I don't attend Yale University, instead, three roommates and I attend Albertus Magnus College out of the row house we rent out. I study psychology, philosophy, and religious studies. I live here because it is close to the best college in these studies I was accepted in that I can afford. With my lifelong obsession with occultism, there is quite a bit of occult paraphernalia in my living space. Religious symbols, a multi-religious altar, various occult relics, and cards... playing cards of various types. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Anton Gray's first Contract.

Right now I live off of Financial Aid. I make money shilling fortune reading and prestidigitation, but I am close to discovering the secrets of true fortune-telling, spirit-binding, and demonology. If I can successfully discover that,  the sky is the limit. Somehow I know the supernatural is real, and I will use it to increase my monetary income (granted indirectly) in any way I can. Right now, I spend my money on essentials and my occult research and paraphernalia. I must remember though that money, while imperative, is not the ends but the means and that the ends justify those means.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Anton Gray's first Contract.

My ultimate goal as a "Deck Runner" is to master fate itself. After my first Contract, everything changed. I could finally control spirits through my deck of cards, and now I’m hooked on the idea of shaping reality as I see fit. I want to build a legendary deck, binding powerful spirits to me through contracts. But that’s not enough. I’ve heard rumors of a mythical deck or artifact—something that gives you absolute control over destiny. That’s my endgame. I don’t just want to master my fate, I want to be able to manipulate anyone else’s too. When gaining control over Fate itself; other people's lives are rather inconsequential, even Death itself is worth it since controlling Fate can reverse Death.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Anton Gray's first Contract.

Anton Gray has been fascinated with the occult since his teenage years. Growing up in New Haven, Connecticut, he was drawn to the mysteries of the unknown and the whispers of supernatural forces hidden beneath the everyday world. His curiosity led him to old bookstores, rare tomes, and online forums, where he encountered various theories about the unseen dimensions and powers that govern the world. By the time he attended Albertus Magnus College, Anton had already amassed a wealth of knowledge on the subject. Despite the skepticism around him, his growing obsession with the occult prepared him for the moment he would discover “Deck Running” and embark on his first Contract.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Anton Gray's first Contract.

My father Steven a devout Catholic, has always encouraged my exploration of different religions and belief systems, even though he raised me within the church. His open-mindedness allowed me to explore various spiritual perspectives, sparking my interest in the occult while still maintaining a sense of moral grounding. Despite differing beliefs, our relationship has remained respectful and supportive. It is a shame he doesn't know that my moral compass has been discarded.

My friend Sapphire and I share a complicated relationship, marked by our past flings and her struggle with alcohol. While we’ve since parted ways romantically, our bond persists as a complicated friendship. Her carefree lifestyle and escapist tendencies contrast with my more serious, driven nature, it can be tense, but there is also a yin and yang style of understanding.

Finally, there's Ashley; he's a goofball, a hopeless romantic, and a stoner roommate. We hang out and play games with friends and drink occasionally.