Jack Silva's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jack Silva's first Contract.

Jack Silva is living in an apartment in Cascadia with Ezra. Together, they share the rent of the expensive, average-end (for cascadia) apartment with the money from their very different jobs. Jack lives in this apartment because Ezra is the only person who has consistently subsided Jack's chronic paranoia. Jack was under suspicion for a certainly brutal scavving incident, and Ezra’s investigating had everything lined up to bring him in. But, on the night that he went to Jack’s apartment to arrest him for the crime, Ezra realized Jack had it hard enough. In a rare moment of humanity in his work, Ezra looked the other way, and since then Jack’s been keeping Ezra around as an informant for his job at Patchwork’s shop. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Silva makes his money working at a scav shop run by an accomplice named Patchwork. He usually brings in targets for ripping or cleans up the product taken from them. He is quite mechanically inclined, and the line of work does well for him. He spends his money on guns or ammunition, and rarely other cybernetics. He does drink and smoke, though not often. Jack usually just reserves those to be like personal rewards for himself. Of course, he also needs to spend money for tools and renting the shared apartment with Ezra (which he never seems to set aside enough money for), but still manages to make do.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Jack wants to become the best mercenary and a famous scav in Mori. He is willing to do essentially anything he can to achieve this. Jack wants to either replace the competition in front of him, or eliminate them. Eliminating most anyone in his path is what he allows himself to do. He will never go after children or animals, but most anyone else is fair game to him. Jack will achieve this goal or die trying, as he views his death, provided it happens in pursuit of his goal of becoming the best and a part of mori history, as a means to the end. Any fame or notoriety he picks up living or dead is meaningful to him.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

When he was a child, Jack Silva had a developmental issue that meant he could not move his legs easily. His spine had not developed correctly, limiting his legs’ motor control. He required an implant that was very expensive for his family at the time to be able to walk. It took much to save up for the implant, but it would be hell trying to replace it.

Unfortunately, that’s what his family went through after a ruthless scav who isolated Jack in the inner parts of Mori ripped him of it, leaving him crawling to the streets. Stripped of his lower mobility, this trauma has persisted mentally and physically, as Jack still needs leg attachments to move.