Duke's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Duke's first Contract.

I live in a medium-sized biker bar that we also use as a motel in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. I live here because when I was young, I escaped from Area 51 long ago, and this was the first building I found. The bikers who lived here took me in and raised me to be a biker just like them. The bar bar was made in the 60s so it is quite old. It has two floors, the bottom floor the bar and the second floor the rooms people can stay in. The bar is always full of people and other gangs. I decide to stay because he has nowhere else to go and the bikers are my family.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Duke's first Contract.

When I joined the gang I also began working for them. the gang owns the bar, that's how we get our money. So, when people enter the gang they also begin working for the gang. This could be done by working the bar, checking people into rooms, and making sure the rooms and the bar look nice. When I joined he was very good at working the bar, being able to serve drinks very fast and put on a little show while doing it by swinging around. I mainly spends my money on fuel, ammo, clothes, and food. So, mostly just necessities that everyone needs. I am also very fond of sugar cubes and keep some with me at all times. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Duke's first Contract.

I gained the ability to talk and think like a human while I was in Area 51. They would experiment on me and many other monkeys in terrible and cruel ways. One day I became self-aware and able to talk as a result of one of the experiments. After this, I planned an escape but swore to the other chimps that I would go back for them when I could. Once I escaped the gang found me and took me in. After many years I knew I still needed to achieve my goal, but I also had a family now. Because of this, I don't want to risk my life and put such a heavy sadness on the gang. So, my goal is to break out and save all the other chimpanzees that are being experimented on in Area 51, but I wouldn't risk his life for it. I would kill for it though.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Duke's first Contract.

The most life-changing event for me was when I became self-aware and could talk. This happened during an experiment that was trying to fuse a human brain with a chimpanzee one. It worked, but I didn't let the scientists know. If I did then the scientists would keep more of an eye on me and it would be much harder for me to escape. The other most defining event in my life was when I escaped. It was in the middle of the night when I broke out of my cell and snuck out. I ended up being found by a scientist at one point, and in a moment of panic, I tackled the scientist and ripped his eyes out. The escape was very close but ultimately successful.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Duke's first Contract.

I have many people that I am close to. All of which is in the gang. You know, there's little Tim, Rocky, Rusty and many more. Little Tim is only 5 foot, hence the name. He's always been the goofball of the group, always makin' jokes at the right and wrong times. I think it may be something in his brain that makes him speak before he even knows what he's going to say. Next is Rocky. Good ol' Rocky. Rocky is as cold and stern as a rock. It was something that happened a long time before I joined the gang that caused him to be the way he is, but no one ever talks about it so I'm not sure what happened. Lastly, the leader of the gang. Rusty. Rusty is the closest human that I have to me. He is a big scruffy man with a ginger beard and hair. He always looks out for us and tells us stories about his adventures long ago. He claims that one of his eyes is blind, but no one's ever seen it because he never takes his sunglasses off.