Charlotte Lovewell's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Charlotte Lovewell's first Contract.

Charlotte lives in Vancouver, BC and hates it there. She finds the place boring, not enough whimsy or wonder, a soul sucking city which will chew on you and spit you right out. She's trying to stay positive though.

If Charlotte could move out she would, but she's a minor and lives in her parents house with her older brother. Her room was previously her oldest brother's room, who moved out for college, so the walls are painted blue, there's a couple of sports posters alongside her more girly posters, and some of his old sports equipment lying around. The bed sheets are pink though and there's a white thrifty vanity vintage vanity which is her favourite as it makes her feel fancy. There are also a couple of shelves which display her cute knick-knacks, a closet full of her clothes, and the usually amenities in a bed room.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Charlotte Lovewell's first Contract.

She gets her money from a part-time job at an ice cream place in a mall. It's kind of boring but its light work, not a lot of customers, and the customers she doesn get she quite likes. She does some odd jobs in the neighbourhood occasionally like babysitting, dog sitting, lawn mowing and the such for some extra cash. Her parents also gives her a small allowance too.

Charlotte usually spends her money on cute clothes, colour shampoo, or trying to save up to buy magical girl merchandise. She likes to display her things around in her room and post things on tumblr.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Charlotte Lovewell's first Contract.

Charlotte wants to get rid of all pain and suffering and replace it with love and cheer. She sees these magical girls and admires them all for their efforts and their will to change the world for the better and wants to do the same. She wants people to be happy.

She would not kill for this ambition as she thinks that it would directly contradict with it. She thinks that everyone is deserving of redemption, rehabilitation, or a chance. There are many bad things in the world and she doesn't want to cause it. She also believes in the sanctity of life, that this person has a childhood, a life, relationships with people and memories. Charlotte's a very empathic girl.

Charlotte doesn't want to die for this goal. She would like to say that she would, but she wouldn't. She has her whole life ahead of her and most of all, she can do more to help people when she's alive than when she's dead.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Charlotte Lovewell's first Contract.

The most defining moment in her life is watching Sailor Moon air on TV with her brothers. They weren't all that interested in what was showing but she was. It was a core memory for her. She remembers admiring the pretty colours, the cute dresses and the cool transformation as a kid. And when she got older and could comprehend the storyline, she remembers admiring their selfless goals.

She never really understood the "one man for themselves" mindset and thought that everyone should help each other. When she got older, she would realize that despite the adults saying to share, to be kind to each other, that they didn't really provide the same curtesy to each other. And when she got older, she realized that her peers were forgetting how to be kind to each other. Through her admiration of magical girls, she wanted to be able to help in the same way. Although she didn't have magic she could help even if she was just an ordinary girl through volunteering, offering a listening ear, and so much more.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Charlotte Lovewell's first Contract.

Alice Hart | Best Friend

Alice is Charlotte's best friend in the whole world. They work together, they volunteer together, they do almost everything together. Alice was the one to dye her hair pink and then dyed her own blue to match. They're cotton candy and its them against the world. One day, Charlotte wants to go and run away from Vancouver with her, maybe to Japan, or the United States, or quite literally anywhere but here.


Jacob Miller | Older Brother

Jacob is Charlotte's second brother, the middle child of the family. Charlotte's more closer to him than her oldest brother as there's less of an age gap, so they both understand each other better. Jacob is currently in his "I'm done with everything" and "fuck off" phase so while his attitude is a little off, he still spends time with her. He usually takes her out to play sports with his friends or take some time off to play videogame with her. While its very, very, very rare for him to be open to, sometimes he pretends to be the villain so that Charlotte's magical girl-sona can defeat him.


Carol & Michael Miller | Mom & Dad

Carol & Michael are her parents. She has a complicated relationship with them as she was adopted but was old enough to remember her biological family before they died. She likes them as people but she doesn't want to call them mom and dad as she feels like she's kind of replacing her biological parents if she does. She likes them, not love, and its clear. It's kind of uncomfortable how they have to dance around her opinion of them and her dead parents but their relationship with each other is amiable. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bx3

Charlotte is currently still in her childhood, and she thinks its pretty good. She has friends, okay grades, and parents who love and understand her.

Before she was adopted, her parents were Emily Le and Thomas Lovewell. Charlotte was with them until her eighth birthday and was still with them when they passed. Her parents were t-boned by a drunk driver and the doctors called her lucky for surviving. Charlotte was old enough to remember the accident, the blood on her hands and smeared across her dress, the feeling of suffocation as she was trapped in the car waiting for someone to help her. She has had therapy since the accident and is doing fine now but still misses them dearly and sometimes, she thinks she thinks she can see her mother's body when she closes her eyes.

She was soon sent into foster care as she has no extending family members and the few she did have refused to take her in. She bounced around a couple of foster homes until she met her parents, Carol and Michael Miller. They bonded with her until they decided to adopt her. They understand that there is no replacing her biological parents and provided her the support needed to survive, they were patient and understood her and she liked them in turn.

Charlotte is currently in high school and could be considered a popular kid. She's fits in well, she's well-liked, she has a lot of friends and while she can be annoyingly excitable, people usually see it as endearing. She's just a good kid who tries hard to be good.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bx3

She has never been in love before but is waiting for the right person to come her way! She wants that heart stuttering, face blushing, shoujo manga type of romantic love but all the boys at her school aren't really male lead material. She's is kind of getting impatient as most girls her age have said that they genuinely like their crushes and their boyfriends. She has been on a few dates, dated a couple of guys, but she doesn't think she loves any of them. Her teen years are the most important years as a magical girl, and according to some adults, the most important years of her life. Clock's ticking and she has four years left but there's no pink roses moment and she's getting impatient.

What Charlotte doesn't know is that she doesn't like boys, at all. She likes girls. If she had some hindsight she would realize that she has been harboring a slight crush on her friend Alice. Charlotte vs. Comphet, and she is not winning.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Bobasaurus

Charlotte's worse fear is becoming a disillusioned adult. Many times her efforts in trying to better the world is met with compliments but also comments from others that "you do know that this isn't going to be making a difference in the long run, right?" Or that all her efforts will just been seen as looking good on her university application, as if she's doing it for some sort of gain. 

She doesn't want to become a bystander. Adults often don't do anything because "that's how the world works" and she doesn't want to become like that. She doesn't want to be complacent in how screwed up the world is. She doesn't want to accept terrible things happening just because its like that. She wants people to be happy, to get along, for people to be prospering and healthy; she wants wars to stop, poverty to be rid of, children mortality to fall, and there be more education opportunities for all. She doesn't care how "unrealistic" her goals are because in her opinion, every help matters and if no one tries, nothing will happen.

She's afraid to just accept that this terrible world will forever be terrible and become complacent in it all.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Bobasaurus

Her most prized possession is her magical girl-sona outfit that she made. She designed, drafted the patterns, stitched, sewed, and acquired the materials herself to make the outfit. From learning how to make the puffy skirt and blouse, to trying to figure out how to make the hair accessories, every single thing was handmade by her; even the petticoat. It was a labor of love and also incredibly time-consuming.

It's so special to Charlotte because it's her costume. This is her design and she made it specifically because she loves magical girls and all what they embody. It was time consuming, there were a lot of mistakes along the way, and definitely does not look as good as a store-bought costumes, but it's completely hers. This was making the outfit that she drew up as a child into a reality and while she improved the designed and made better versions, this was the first draft and it holds a special place in her heart.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Tale As Old As Time

Charlotte's biggest problem right now is trying to think of a way to make a massive impact on people lives. She does volunteer often but the impact of that is much more local than she would like. She has magical powers now so surely she could think of something on a larger scale, but nope, she has nothing right now.

She has been researching what she can do with her limited skill set and was thinking of maybe healing people. She was also thinking that maybe she can do something that doesn't require magic but she feels apprehensive about it. Despite what she has said before, she kind of limits herself to her magical abilities as she knows she doesn't have many skills and is a child. She tries not to get into that mindset though, and is trying to separate her magical life and her regular life but its difficult.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Tale As Old As Time

On a typical morning, she gets up and fits her brother for the bathroom. She's of the opinion he takes way too long for someone who does basically nothing in there. When she gets the bathroom, she brushes her teeth, washes her face, and ties up her hair. After she leaves she picks out the dress she wants to wear for the day. The outfits she usually picks are often pink and frilly. Once done, she greets her mother, makes her lunch and leave for school.

On days where she doesn't go to school, her schedule is generally the same. This time she goes out to meet with her friend, Alice. They like to go out and explore the area, see what cool events are running, have lunch or dinner together, or go shopping regardless of whether they buy something or not. Even when they don't go out together, Charlotte spends a lot of her free time with Alice or with her brother.