Owl's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Owl's first Contract.

Right now, I live on the run. I got my backpack, my wing suit, and Betty.

(lovingly pats a sniper rifle at her side)


As for why… well.

(Owl kicks her feet up on the table of the motel she is staying in)


Let’s say I made a mistake. Saved a target I was supposed to kill. Not sure it would have worked out for me if I did kill the target, but…

(Owl lights up a cigarette, and blows the smoke out the window.)

My old bosses are particular about specifics, and little word tricks and such. Suppose you might be the same?

(Owl gestures to an empty space in the room. There is nothing there. Owl sees the figure all the same.)


Well. Regardless, I’m on the run now. Miami is going to be… interesting for the next few weeks. Hoping that if I get enough jobs that I’ll be able to deal with it, maybe get to a contact that’s supposed to have guns, get some more tricks of the trade.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Owl's first Contract.

I used to have a lot more. The Party Animals are cutting my assets. The ones they know about at least.


i have some things hidden away. Some scams I ran wary in my career. Some venom accounts linked to other people’s bank accounts. 

A bit of a complicated laundering of that through a crypto wallet. Not always the easiest to have access to, but I have accounts I have hidden away. Enough to stay alive, get what I need. Mostly cash traded with … mostly unsavory times. Enough cash buy what I need to eat and keep me armed. 

Maybe I’ll get some more fancy things later. Well that depends on what you give me doesn’t it.


(the room is empty in response. After a moment, Owl lets outs a laugh.)


yeah yeah, innate potential or whatever you say. But I know how it works. You give me the power, and I use it.


(a pause)


oh really? I’ll need to find somewhere to hunker if that’s the case. Maybe I’ll reach out to that friend of Mel’s, Winsley I think. See what he has to offer.

(Owl continues to stare out at the empty room. After a bit she snorts in laughter, and takes another drag of her cigarette.)

like that will happen.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Owl's first Contract.

Why ask this? Why you ask this?


You fucking know Lamb! You know how …

(Owl takes a drag from her cigarette, then puts it out.)


You know. I wanted what we all wanted. I wanted to be free. To have some fucking agency over my life. I wanted it more than…


(Owl looks down at the floor. Heavy breaths, slowly calming down . Looks up.)


I wanted it more than I wanted you to stay alive. Damn it lamb. Why did you have to fuck it up. I could … you… we could have been free together. Just kill who needs killing, get powers and then we’d be free. 

(Owl lights up another cigarette. Tilts her head as if listening. She chuckles)


Yeah, I suppose I walked into that one. I’ve Fucked myself over at least as bad as you fucked yourself over.


I guess the only thing left is to be as free as I can be before I die.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Owl's first Contract.

Well... That would have to be where I met you little Lamb. I was 17, barely not prosecuted as an adult for computer fraud. You were 14, and....

You never really told me.

(Owl cocks her head. Snorts)

Yeah yeah, sure, but everyone says they didn't do it... Don't know why I'm arguing this, your a hallucination.

(Owl listens for a moment, before making a dismissive genture)

Regardless. I could deal with it. You couldn't, could you little Lamb. Every night I'd hear you crying your sad little puppy eyes out. Each morning I wipe them clean, and tell you it was going to be alright and...

(Owl chokes up a little bit, then in a sad laugh says)

You were so fucking pathetic Lamb. When the psychos gave me and you and out, I had to take it. You won't have lasted, and then I would have...

(Owl looks around the empty room)

Had your death hanging over me forever.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Owl's first Contract.

(Owl chuckles)

I think at this point, most of the people in my life are trying to kill me. 

Jaguar... He's a bit of a freak, but a somewhat competent one. Had these roller skates he used to move around at high speed. Was a big fan of the nose power... You know what that is little Lamb? The nose candy? I'm talking cocaine. God you're so young. 

Bear is a bit of the opposite. Solid man. Made of muscle. Had this baseball bat which his size made look tiny, but man was it scary when he turned your way with it. 

(Owl takes a puff)

Man, I'm not looking forward to dealing with him. Or his little bear. 

(Owl shutters, then she taps the side of her chin a bit)

I suppose there are a few that don't want to kill me.

Met this detective in the last job. Gave me some contacts, some basic supplies. A Sat phone, and a number to call to find a weapons dealer, a few odds and ends. Should be able to get in contact after my business in Miami is done. He's a middle aged man, brown hair. Everything I could find of him online showed him with wrinkle marks on his forehead. A worrier that one. Name's Marvin Melborn. Goes by Mel. Probably won't see him much any more. Not really the type to approve of me.

(Owl turns her head fully into the room, diverting her attention from where she is half working her complicated web of financials.)

Then there is you little Lamb. A ghost maybe? A guilt based hallucination? Why is it always you that I'm talking to. That asks me these questions. You were so naive, and innocent, and now you are fucking dead.

More than 10 years after I got you out, and your face still holds the same sweet innocence.

(Owl cocks her head)

You know, the part not fucked up by the bullet hole...

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Ad Infinitum

Owl snorts

"Yeah, I suppose we never did talk too much about that sort of thing. I mean, I knew your parents were dead, and you know my parents were dead."

Owl leans back in her chair drawing a few diagrams with her notebook. She looks over at the empty chair she has setup in the corner of her workshop.

"I mean, what else is there to say? The got into trouble with some criminal or something, then I was in foster care at 8. Then was too old to be adopted."

Owl focuses for a moment, drawing a few designs then crossing them out with frustration. 

"Damn, seems like the contract boost is running out. Anyway, school and the families themselves were fine. But you know how it is... There is any path from that kind of start to being able to control your own life. I did well, I did better than most of the people around me... but I needed more.

So around 15 I started trying doing cyber crime. Started off with putting key loggers on some teachers computers, some phshing. Once got really lucky with finding a zero day bug! Could have got millions out of that before it got closed... But one year after I used my first stolen credit car number, someone traced it back to me.

Then jail... And then I met you Little Lamb"

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Ad Infinitum

Owl squints her eyes.

".... Is this because of Fox? Look I like him, he has a sort of ... charisma, suave... Something about him, and the way he just openned our first conversation by telling me he's a killer. And he is so good with Red, really acting like a proper father... and he is so very fluffy..."

Owl startles.

"Don't you laugh at me! I know what I'm doing! I've had romantic partners before that weren't him. Just... always at a bit of arms reach."

Owl bits her lip a little, and looks out the window. Fox is watching Red as Red shows Fox around the woods.

"Love meant being tied down, and making things complicated. And you and me were always the number one priority Lamb... I couldn't rely on anyone else... Which is why it hurt some much that I couldn't rely on you... Or on myself when you became a target."


Owl's eyes focus on Red. So young. Living in a world out to get her.

"I hope that's changed. That me and Fox can be relied on to protect her."

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Ad Infinitum

Her hands are warm. The comfortable warmth of a recently fired pistol. 

Owl moves. Aim. Fire. Target down. 



Killing is so easy. 

Lambs head is rocked back by the bullet that goes through her eye. 

Calm, quick. Not thought, just action do what you need to do. 

Bam. Dead.
Bam. Dead.
Bam. Dead

Bear. Jaguar. Goat.





Owl steps over the bodies. They were an obstacle to her freedom. She knows, when the chips are down, she will make sure she is free, over any thing else.

Her breath is slow. She is a machine.


Owl startles awake.  Her head rests on Foxes chest, her heart racing. Dream. Just a dream

The nightmares are less bad with someone else there. Fox is soft and warm.

She get's up. Red is curled up in a nook between them. Safe. They are both safe.

Not because of you. You are putting them in danger. Everyone around you is in danger.

Owl goes to the porch.

She startles a bit.

"Oh hey Lamb. It's been a while. Thought that...."

Owl pauses, and chuckles.

"Yeah, you're right. I can't exactly leave you behind."

Owl takes out a cigarettee. She'd been trying to quit. For the sake of being a good example to Red, but ....

"Oh that's good." Owl puffs out a ring of smoke into the air.

"No Lamb it's just... The usually dreams. The usual fears. That what happened... That what I did to you, I'd do to ... I suppose your replacements. Although nothing can replace you Lamb. It just..."

Owl takes a shakey breath.

"I need people to need me. To want me. To be a part of my family. But the only time I had that, I was the one that ended it."

Cigarette back in her mouth.

"At least Fox will probably have a shot of killing me if I become a threat to Red."

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Ad Infinitum

Red. She is mine.
It's right after the contract.

Red is resting. Nearly death from... What happened. Atro has finally fallen asleep.

Owl looks out the motel window.

"I teleported Lamb. There is no way they'll find me. For the next few days at least."

Owl looks at the door, and the chair she used to block it.

"Because I'm paranoid. But It's served me well. In my kind of life, you need to live on that edge. Always ready. That's what you didn't...."

Owl frowns.

She looks over at Red. The little wolf girl. So good with her knives, and such a natural killer. Everything Lamb wasn't.

Owl breaths. Relaxing. Relaxing in a way she hasn't in years.

"I'll probably fuck up her life like I fucked up your ay Lamb?"

Owl moves over to Red. Rubs a hand down her back, careful of her injuries.

"It feels so good to have someone to protect again."

Word 1 word 2 word 3 word 4

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Terra Forma

When Owl wakes she takes over driving again. 

Red was waiting for her to be up. Small, furry and needing her. 

Owl needs someone like her. Someone that needs her. Someone to be family with her. 

If she died she would be broken again.... Maybe she would steal another child

Owl can see Lamb watching her from the corner of her eye.

She shakes her head. She needs to focus. The world is falling apart. People are coming to kill her specifically.

Goat may be dead, but Jaguar and Bear. And then the entire organization behind them.

She needs to be sharp. She needs to keep Red safe. She needs to keep Fox safe. She needs to keep on top of all of it. 

Owl clenches the steering wheel. Breath in. Breath out. She can handle this. Fox looks at her out of the corner of her eye.

She relaxes.

If she dies, Fox will protect Red.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 3, Terra Forma
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