Zoe Hall's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Zoe Hall's first Contract.

I live in a small cheap apartment just outside downtown ann arbor MI 
My room mate, (A friend I have known since middle school) talked me into sharing the rent so we could be close to the University of Michigan campus to which we both attend.
I work a boring call center job from home.
we have a small kitchen/dining room combo
a short hallway leading to the one bedroom and bathroom.
my friend and I have the room split into to halves
on her side she has a cheap Walmart desk that looks like it could fall apart any second and a cage with her pet lizard.

on my side I have my own cheap desk I use for work and drawing.

The wall behind my desk is plastered with marker drawings of all the wonderful places I like to imagine might exist somewhere out there.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Zoe Hall's first Contract.

Right now I'm working as a from home telemarketer.
Basically I call customers of my internet provider and try to upsell them on bigger packages Things like add a phone line, better cable, or Laser gecko insurance plans (those things are a real menace.)
I make minimum wage for the time I work plus commission on sales. it's an ok income which helps pay for classes and my escapist hobbies (drawing/reading/movies/games) My room mate and I split up the bills so I'm only responsible for internet (I get a great discount through work) and my half of rent.
It's really crazy how expensive everything is! but for now I'm getting by.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Zoe Hall's first Contract.

Shiet this one might get a bit to real.
My Dream, Is to live long enough to see and hear all the things
I want to experience Love, heartbreak, anger, joy, happiness, sadness, loss, consequences, redemption, EVERYTHING.
and I don't want to just dip my toes in it!
I want to spend years. tens of years, hundreds of years experiencing each thing.
maybe a full life as a housewife, then a hard working business elite! then maybe get into a music career. become an artist, rescue animals, go mountain climbing, visit the stars, be free to do whatever I can imagine

My heart yearns for it so much I don't know what I wouldn't give for my dream to come true. But I know it could never happen.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Zoe Hall's first Contract.

I cant think of a single defining moment.
I have always liked the idea of trying new things, I like to solve problems, explore the unexplored, share what I learn, and lead by example.
I cant remember a time before curiosity was my driving factor.
in fact the only strong defining memories I have in my life are moments that stamp the love and curiosity out of me.
but it's still there I feel it, I know it's there. I may never achieve my dreams but I will also never deny that they exist.
It's really a shame life is so cold and un caring.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Zoe Hall's first Contract.

My best friend and room mate Shelbie has been in my life since middle school.
She's the take no shit from anyone say what she wants type.
I absolutely adore her and whenever I come up with a new fantastical world she never skips a beat in pretending to be someone from it just to make me smile.
She likes cute little lizards and has a LOT of brothers like 10!
She is always there for me whenever I need emotional support and I try my best to always be there for her too.

Next is my cat Simon Gilford the third.
He's my perfect baby boy he doesn't mind when I pick him up he always comes when he's called and definitely protects me from evil spirits.
Last week he was staring at the ceiling for like 10 minutes straight, it felt really cold when I stood where he was looking, and then after he stopped it stopped being cold there. definitely a ghost. He's a cute and very rare calico cat boy.

Finally my mom who has always supported me and pushes me to be the best me I can, I left her back in Belleville but she still calls every day to check up on me.
Honestly People aren't the closest things to me. what I really love is a good book.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

Growing up I lived in a fairly normal neighborhood.
My mother wanted the best for me and would work extra hard to afford to send me to summer camp and other various after school activities.
I loved trying out new things whether it was martial arts, dance, art classes, the shooting range, learning to drive.
I am always down to learn a new skill and picked up everything I could find as a kid. admittedly once I felt like I was starting to master a skill I'd get bored though and move onto something new.
My Mother's name is Susan Cup Hall (I asked my woman this was what she came up with.)
she is a loving supportive single mother who held me to my word and is my biggest inspiration.
even in my earliest memories I cannot remember my father although mother says he was in my life for the first 10 years.
In school I had a small group of friends, My bestfriend is now my roommate going into college where I'm majoring in Psychology.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

It seems like every day I'm getting approached or DMed by boys and some girls too.
but honestly it's so annoying that the idea of being in a relationship just kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm not against it or anything just want it to really mean something and I feel like everyone else is just out to get laid.

Honestly though this is an uncomfortable subject and I'd really rather not talk about it.
My biggest fear really is just that ill never find a meaningful relationship and end up feeling lonely for the rest of my life.