Vinzenz Korneberg's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Vinzenz Korneberg's first Contract.

The Korneberg Estate

A large estate ground near the small village of Vermun, and the ancestral Manor of the Kornebergs, minor nobility at the best of their history. Now a waning house, the only notable member being Vinzenz, a renowned mercenary. Who he himself is almost never actually at the estate. It's isolated position and disrepair has lead it to be forgotten by most, and therefore one of the safer places in Kazaria.


Vinzenz's sparse visits and meager help has left the once mighty manor and surrounding garden to appear vacated and even possibly looted from the outside, however the few servants still hired onto the house do maintain any possessions left there, along with a few ancestral items tied to the families' history.


Often used as a refuge by his other family members that either assume him dead or simply in need of safety.