Abigail Castodon's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Abigail Castodon's first Contract.

Abigail lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She is a permanent patient at Victoria Crouse Cancer Treatment Hospital. She lives there because it would be hard to relocate her to a different hospital. Victoria Crouse is the home of Dr. Klaus Hopkins who is the leading cancer surgeon in the country. Abigail usually lives in room 1024. She gets her own room with a window that over looks the park. Sometimes she watches the people play and wonders what their lives are like. She watched the girl with the purple shirt run each morning and smile as she lives vicariously through her for the moment. Other than the window there is the standard hospital equipment in the room and a television for her to keep up on world events. She also always has a stack of books (mainly textbooks) that she reads to learn more about the world and mainly about medicine and medical practices.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Abigail Castodon's first Contract.

Abigail has no money other than the little that her parent's give her to spend on the vending machines occasionally. Most of their money goes towards her treatments and hospital bills. It's always a nice day when she gets to have a hostess cake or a bag of Famous Amos cookies. Other than that, sometimes she bribes the nurses to get her ice cream and Starbucks. But that's pretty much it. She did save her money for a while to buy a Nintendo Switch so she could have fun in bed and also get a couple of games with what was leftover.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Abigail Castodon's first Contract.

Abigail wishes to become cancer free. She wishes to be a stranger to all this pain and suffering she has endured while her body has slowly killed itself over the years. She has made every attempt to research and learn everything she can about cancer and modern treatment options and research into cures. In recent days, the pain has gotten a bit worse and it's hard to focus on her self studies. Her parents are starting to notice that she has become less determined and less hopeful. If Abigail was given the chance to find a way to rid herself of this awful incurable disease, she would go to the ends of the earth to earn her life back. She would risk everything to live just a week longer. Even if it was just from a hospital bed. She doesn't want her life to end before it starts.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Abigail Castodon's first Contract.

When Abigail was 7 she was diagnosed with Renal Cancer (kidneys). The initial operation went fairly well, but the doctors failed to remove all of the cancerous areas and a year later it had spread to her lungs. The most defining moment in her young life was when she heard the doctor say that the cancer was now inoperable. Even at the age of 8 she knew that her life was effectively over. She was admitted to a hospital for treatments and a couple years after that she was chosen to be taken to Victoria Crouse in Baltimore to be a subject of study and treatment under Dr. Klaus Hopkins.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Abigail Castodon's first Contract.

Dr. Klaus Hopkins: Abigail has check ups with him every single day and a lot of days she also has treatments and physical therapy for her deteriorating body. Over the years Dr. Klaus has grown close to Abigail as she tries her heart out to study to be a doctor just like him. If she wasn't fated for this slow death he would probably take her as an apprentice as she shows incredible promise. He often worries about the day where they will eventually lose her. (right now he is the closest person in her life)


Ken Castodon: Abigail's Father. A gruff and slightly portly man in his mid 40's, Ken dotes on his loving daughter and comes to visit her often. Abigail is his only child and he would move heaven and earth for her. He works 2 jobs to pay for her hospital bills. But never shows his tiredness in front of her. She know's though. Abigail knows he's doing everything he knows how and loves her father very much.


Sabrina Castodon: Abigail's Mother. She is quiet and loves her daughter with a serene smile. She can often be found next to Abigail, holding her close as she sleeps. Her actions speak volumes over the few words she says and is always proud of her daughters fierce determination to keep going (she gets it from her father).