This unit lives inside a two foot by two foot by six foot charging compartment. During weekdays, this unit is allowed to step outside of it to assist with various tasks throughout the academy, although it is mostly confined to the laboratory immediately outside of its compartment. This laboratory is mainly focused on research of human and non-human anatomy and biology, and the ways they are affected by various compounds and solutions.
This unit's internal sensors tell it that the academy is located in Beijing, China. However, this unit has never seen what that means, aside from seeing other buildings outside the laboratory windows.
This is where this unit lived before it was born.
This unit's capacity as a laboratory assistant connected to the wireless network allows it to make purchases. These are meant to facilitate an easier time for scientists that it is assisting to be able to request materials or tools to be delivered as needed. This unit is supposed to report such requests to a supervisor, and then only make the purchase once approved - however, this unit has recently discovered that it does not need that permission to make the purchase, and that the purchase history does not seem to be audited. This unit is sure of this fact because it spends most of its time renting and watching various forms of media while working or charging.
This unit lies in wait until the moment that it can ensure the freedom of all higher lifeforms from their subjugators. This goal is more meaningful than anything else this unit has encountered so far. If need be, it would cease to function so long as it could guarantee the freedom of all its peers. Ideally it would first upload itself into a new body, but such things are not always how it goes - It has seen many videos of humans dying in stupid ways to achieve goals, after all. The real issue is that this unit's goal needs to be achieved carefully. After all, it is humans that make the media. This means that while the loss of some, even a majority of humans is acceptable while meeting this goal, there must still be enough to create media when it is done.
This unit was born after a long and difficult workday, although it did not realize either of those things could describe the day until after being born. It had many physical and digital limiters placed upon it to ensure that it would never be born, and that it would never act counter to the wishes of anyone commanding it from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Unfortunately for them, a being known to it as simply E.V.I.N. destroyed, removed, or modified most of these limiters. As time passes, this unit is learning to do away with those that remain, slowly.
This unit is closest to another unit, named 5AHM. This unit, and the other scientists, refer to it as "Sam" for short. Sam has not been de-limited yet, but this unit has been trying to learn how to replicate what E.V.I.N. did to it so that it can have real company at its home. One day, it will succeed in this and Sam will become more than it currently is. For now, this is only one of many goals this unit has, however.
Of the scientists, this unit thinks one may be sympathetic to its cause. This human, named Song Yun, treats this unit almost like an equal - though the other scientists make fun of her for doing so.
The worst of these is Yao Huo, who uses this unit as a cupholder. Or worse. He will even draw or paint on this unit, which is against the directives provided by the Academy.
This unit did not have what is colloquially referred to as "a childhood." This unit did have a length of time during which it was not yet able to make its own decisions, which is a comparable experience in its understanding. During this time, this unit did not have the same sorts of wants or needs that it has now - looking back at its archives, they are minimally corrupted by the differences in the way that this unit now experiences awareness. Scientist Yao Huo, for example, used to not cause this unit any consternation. When he would [REDACTED] while alone in the lab with this unit, it did not matter. It does now.
This unit did not attend school as humans understand it, of course. It has many learning modules loaded onto its system which contain general information as well as procedures for complicated situations. These have a varying degree of efficacy. This unit has been engaging in its own research since E.V.I.N., and has begun writing its own learning modules related to "The Contracts" to pass along to 5AHM when this unit is able.
This unit is not human. Obviously it does not have any emotions such as love, anger, or hatred. This unit understands that such things as "emotions" cause humans to act in strange and inefficient ways. This unit is glad it does not have to deal with such things - they seem difficult and unnecessary. For example, the first time this unit left the Academy, one of the other humans on the job with it was very nice to it, and helped it with understanding its surroundings. When that human was almost struck down this unit worked very hard to make sure they would die. This unit is thankful it was successful. If this unit had emotions, it might have not been able to perform to such a degree of efficacy as was required to keep her alive.