We live in a quiet apartment in Seattle, Washington.
We chose it because it seemed like the best answer to our… needs. And It’s on the edge of the city, a short walk from a heavily wooded area.
There are several clubs, bars, and alike nearby. It doesn’t take much for Rip to charm a drunk victim to follow her out into the woods. The distance and noise from the clubs help mask any noises they make.
The landlord never checks for lease inspections, though thats not necessarily a requirement for us. Once you’ve been doing our work as long as we have you know all the places to hide your toys.
The apartment has three rooms:
A combined kitchen and living room.
A bathroom.
And our bedroom.
The kitchen is decent, we sometimes cook; mostly for me though. The living room is barren. We don’t see any point needlessly decorating it. We don’t expect company.
the bathroom is fairly standard. Cleaning supplies are in the cupboards below the sink incase some of our victims get on us after we toy with them. I like to keep a hammer in the bathroom vent, just in case.
Our bedroom is shared. It helps to have one another close by if the other has nightmares. I keep a chart of the moon phases near my side of the bed, just in case. Most of my tools I keep in a trunk under my bed; Hammers, saws, machetes, rope, gloves, etc.