Rip's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Rip's first Contract.

We live in Seattle! We moved there after.... the incident. Setup our official papers and everything. 

We live there since there are plenty of ... Well. I suppose we can call them prey now, not targets. 


But yeah. Seattle is a big city. Lots of people weirdos to blend in with, and a lot of people that no one will miss. 

The size and weirdness allow us to practice our ... recreational activities while keeping them secret. The city also allows our occasional weird appearances and preferences to pass as one of many quirks in an open city. 

We split a small house.

I keep my part tidy and manage the common room. We keep a back room for marking out targets, and other things. 

Years of skills making rooms soundproof is going to be useful when Tyr's transformation's starts. As are years of cleaning up from our fun time activities, we've developed some good skills..

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Rip's first Contract.

We get our money from a couple different sources. I mainly do tech admin at a few hospitals. It’s how I got our current pair of ids.

I do some odd jobs. Occasionally I waitress, act as a bartender... Nothing with fixed hours. This gets us some real money, but most of why I do it is to give us cover.

Get some W2s we can send to the IRS. Justify our house, our cash flow. Some of that we manage from our parent's inheritance. Insurance payouts.

It also covers the cash we steal from our targets ... my prey now. We take someone out, we have a while till the cops look for them. Especially if they are alone, like the best targets are. We can scrape decent money from them, launder it as tips, or odd jobs, and we have enough income that we get by.

We spend it on tools of the trade. On food, on a savings account, and now on trying to find other people like us. Find out what happened to us.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Rip's first Contract.

I want to understand what is happening to my sister and me. I want us to be welcomed by the world. Preferably by us having enough power that nobody can threaten us. 

I mean.

I'm a vampire now. I should be an immortal badass! Or at least eventually I should be. I want to be strong enough to make sure that me and my sister won't be threatened by the world.

I'd do anything to get that. Nobody matters to me but my sister.

I would kill anyone to keep her safe. To keep us safe.

I would die for her, and she would die for me.

Hell I'm already sort of dead.

Maybe if Tyr dies, I'll find a way to bring her back. And we can suck blood, and create a reign of terror together.

That would be fun.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Rip's first Contract.

There are 2. 

First is the moment when me and my sister stopped being me and her, and became Us.

We were 9. Out playing with the babysitter. Me and Tyr were playing tag. We tumbled down the slide together, laughing and play fighting. When we looked for our baby sitter, we couldn't find her. A man found us, said we seemed lost. We followed him.

I don't know how he got the babysitter. Or how he got our parents.

But he got all of us. Tied up, and brought to a warehouse. A few others. Over the course of almost 2 weeks he would come inside once per day, bring one person to a table on the center of all of us. Then he would cut them up, making them scream for hours.

It was beautiful. He had so much power. He was so free and safe. I knew that was what he wanted us to see.

We watched our parents; our babysitter and 7 others be brought to the table. The police found us on the 10th day. We would have been next. That set our future. After that, we were more than sisters. More than twins. Nobody else shared that experience with us, and nobody else can understand how it changed us.

Second there was the attack.

We were camping. Found a camper. Pretty one. I went to talk to them. First steps of me and Tyr's usual playbook for getting targets.

And then she grabbed me, vanishing into the forest. 

I think we talked, but... It was a physically draining night in more than one way.

After it, I was changed.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Rip's first Contract.

Why must I pick three when only one is the one that matters. My sister is the person in my life that matters. She is the only one that understands what we came from, and why we are the way we are.

She is the only one in my life that is a person, rather than a useful tool.... Although maybe some are interesting play things. 

My little sister looks like me, with slightly different scars, and a different color palette. Before the scars that marked us as different we were were truly the same, two halves of the same soul. Now, our scars and what ever is happening to use separate us. Although we wish it wouldn't.

There are a few other playthings. Our neighbor Lawrence. He is madly in love with me. It's annoying, because he is too close to kill. I manage him. Get him to do some favors, watch things for us. I know his schedule enough that he doesn't get in the way. He's attractive enough I suppose. Might play with him more intimately in the future.

There there this cute squeeze at one of the bars. She is soft, green eyed, brown hair... I can't decide if I want to seduce her, or kill her.... Maybe both.