Luciano Romero's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Luciano Romero's first Contract.

Deer Da

Dear Dairy, today i wanna tell u about my house.

i live with Nana in Poorland. She says not to go owtside on my own cause there are Very Bad Men. But when i want to go to scool shes sleep on the cowch with her Specal Pills so i take her keys and walk.

Sometimes Very Bad Men come up to me and they pick me up and shake me and take my lunch money. They say they want Fent and i say i dont know what that is so they throw beer bottles at me.

Nana says the playce we live is not good but that we dont have enough $ from the Tugboat the Gooberment give us. But I think Nana lies to me and that makes me sad. She has lots of $$$ tucked under her mattress with her Specal Pills.

$             $             $

(The rest of the page devolves into dozens of $ signs, continuing across every following line)

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Luciano Romero's first Contract.

.Deer Diary today my teacher sead "U need to make lots and lots of $$$wen u grow up or ur gonna be poor and DIE (Sorry Nana)"

But i have lots of $$$. im $Man. Nana give me nickel and say "Back in my day thats how much lunch cost" but she doesnt no i have seecrit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i eat Magic Pizza and keep the $ i put in sock. im gonna save them up and wait until I get RICH

Then ill buy MR BEAST FORTNITE skin! i love MR BEAST!!! hes so Sigma when he talks about SQUIDs GAME and GRIMACE PRIME!!!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Luciano Romero's first Contract.

(This page takes some effort to pull apart from the rest of the diary, for reasons made apparent once opened. A worksheet from school has been glued onto one of the pages with copious amounts of Pritt Stick, so much so that it squeezes out at edge of the worksheet and pours forth from the sides of the diary.)

Like and dislike | TPT

(Luciano's name is written at the top, and under the dislike section there is a single drawing of a stick figure with a crudely drawn Karen bob. A pair of x's are drawn for her eyes, and a pencil-sized hole is poked through her torso that reveals the glue underneath the paper.)

(Written besides it in neat handwriting is a little green X and the words)

Remember, always be kind! :)

(They have been crossed through in pencil.)

(On the following page, it returns to Luciano’s handwriting, although some of the letters have disappeared due to further pencil stabbing)

i cant beeleave that teacher would tell me to be kind to Kryn like she knows ANYTHIN abowt her!!!!! She sent peeple to help me see Dad just so they could hurt him when i was arownd and make me sad. Now i only see Dad when i eat the Magic Pizza, and he always leaves wenever i wake up and its all Ka‎ yn's fault!!!!


(The rest of the page is lost to this profession of Luciano's hatred for Karyn, returning to coherence once the page is flipped.)

She sead i can see Dad agen if I become a Conductor  and gave me a big piece of paper to write on so i watched a bunh of stuff on YouTube about trains. Even if shes just playing some mean trick, i wanna see him again

She says i need to do stuff to see him again, but im ready if she tries to do anything nasty. i packed my marbles. ill make her disappear instead.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Luciano Romero's first Contract.

i went to CiCi's Pizza and met Dad. That was cool. He saed i didnt get to see him a lot when i was little because he was a Gen Y oprative. i said that's so cool, Greninja is so Sigma! i like it when Greninja and Pomni team up and fight Freddy Fazbore after he drank the Diddy Potion at 3am on ZAMination. He said "Or or or or. Or or oror."

Other than that all i did before i wrote on that piece of paper and got made a Conductor was go to school and learn. Nana likes to sit and stay in the house and eat her Specal Pills, so the only thing i do afterschool is watch YouTube on my iPad and play Subway Surfers and Baby Elsa Spinal Surgery.

Now that ive grown up and go out and do stuff as a Conductor, i play Subway Surfers and Beat the Boss 4 instead. They even added Kar n as a skin for the game! So peak!

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Luciano Romero's first Contract.

(This page appears to have been removed at one time and has been cleanly stuck back in with a single strip of tape, presumably by a trusted adult. The jagged edges of the side against the spine suggest that it was cut out with great difficulty, probably with blunt safety scissors on the wrong hand.)

Miss Deniro saed we have “home work” today. i do not like this. i did lots of work today, she even put a :-) in my Sticker Book because she said i did my 5 times

tables soo fast!! How could she make me

do more work like this? It’s so unfair!!!!!

She ses we need to right about 3 peeple we no, and tell her what we thing of them.

1st is Nana. She ses she is very sick and sleeps all day. Sometimes she wakes up and is very nice but sometimes she wakes up and is very mad and asks me where she is. She ses thats because her mind is very muddy sometimes. Lots of times she calls me Enzino. i dont no y but its ok becus shes happy then

When she sleeps sometimes she fourgets to make dinner but its ok i just eat my Magic Pizza


2nd is Papa. Hes a Gen Y and hes realy cool! im not supposed to tell anyone, but hes the real Tomatohead from FORTNITE!                                      

i didnt get to see him a lot when i was little, but when i last saw Papa it was really cool! We   went to CiCi's Pizza and i got Magic Pizza and also he gave me a really cool sword!

A mean lady sent peeple to hurt him and i havent seen him agen... She saed that they sent him   back to the lobby and that i need to do thing for her to see him agen. So ive been doing that stuff afterschool


3rd is Miss Deniro. Shes cool i guess. Shes nice to me in class and helps me lern, but shes makeng me right this. This stinks

im gonna play FORTNITE now.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hospital

a lot of stuff went rong sins i last rote in here, Mrs Scoresaysee ses i should rite abowt it becus it helps me figur out how i feel.


Papa was a Gen Y, hes allways bisy on the FORTNITE island so i only sawed him wen he took me to CiCi’s Pizza. That was fon fun 

Mean Karen lady sed Papa went back to the lobby but he forgot his TOMATOHEAD FORTNITE hat so i keep that for him wen he gets back. i dont rember Mama, but Nana is Mama’s mama and she sed that Mama went home to Italy. i asked Nana when i could see Mama, and she sed that we can go their when im grown up.

i dont no if we will tho. After Salem made my school go away and Mean Karen lady dropped me off their, police peeple went to our howse and took Nana away becus of her Specle Pills and other stuff. She sed that Howseman wood keep her out of The Big Howse, but that i wasnt gonna see her anymor. 

Police peeple say i needed to stay in Hopital to see if i was OK, then they wood take me to a big place with lots of other boys and girls who wanna play, while i wayt for a nice family to look after me


The people hear dont wanna play with me though, the others look at me a lot and it makes me feel like a little mouse. The grown ups say its rude to stair, but they do it to. Lots of them call me nasty names but it was werse wen i got hear. Some of them ran away and cryed when i got here from the Hopital. It made me very sad.


i dont like it here. i want to go back home. i want Nana and me to be OK agen. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hospital

We had ice breakers today. They were weird

We just sat inside in a circle and sed abowt who we liked. It was unfair, evry one allredy new eech other and sed all the things they liked abowt eech other but no one sed anythink nice abowt me.

i got askd abowt hoo i liked and i sed abowt joni from school. she runs relly fast and plays FORTNITE with me after school. i play TOMATOHEAD so i can see Papa, joni uses Brite Raider skin tho. joni says reinbow pickaxe is cool, i think she has smelly cooties.

but thats OK i gess... she still billds boxs Super Sigma Style tho. i always beat her in THICK OF IT 1v1 SQIUD GAME SNIPERS any way becus im better. She dusnt no i buy all the boosts befour she joins. Art of the Deel.

When i TAWK TUAH evry one else abowt joni tho, teecher star more than nor mal and telled me not to tawk abowt her, and say that nice boys and girls are here to.

They dont seam vry nice tho. The wifi heres dog water. i wanna play FORTNITE with joni again.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Graveyard Shift

Karyn saed sheed get me a present for Chrismas if i right down my graytest feers on this peace of paper with her Specle Pen. This serprizes me becus she is vry mean and eevil. i think i shud chute her with that gun that man gave me may be. But if it helps me see Dad agen then ok!!


i gess sins we went to that howse in the woods and we had to kill my skin, i dont like fire anymore. Nana allways saed it was dangerus, but it was kinda cool to look at before. Now it just makes me scaired and think of Bee Man.

Thinking about him makes me feel Very Bad. i put my skin back on but i cudhave helped him. i had a Fresca.


Nana saed that she gets her Specle Pills from House Man that help her when she feels bad. May be i shud take some of her Specle Pills to make me feel better to? ill ask mean Karyn lady to see if she thinks itull help me feel better to find Dad faster.


Uh oh, she saed i forgot to right me name and is gonna make all my skin go away agen.
