A video begins displaying a well-dressed gentleman who introduces themselves as Myth, they are working as a bartender and serving patrons. The person recording then seems to ask a question.
"Where Do I live you ask, well that is a bit of a weird question to ask someone while they are in a game but sure I'll humor you"
Myth then sets down the glass they were cleaning, before sighing.
"I live in Athens, Ohio, not much goes on there, though there is a strange butcher that lives nearby strange person that one. Though in neo-Genis I live here the starter area"
Myth then seems to look into the distance for a second almost zoning out, before being brought back to reality by the one recording the video, asking another question.
"Why do I live here, well why does anyone live anywhere friend, but all jokes aside, the reason i don't really go out and do all of that exploring and killing and what not is because it doesn't really interest me, no it is the kinds of people that seek out a bar in a virtual world that really interest me those kinds of people are the types that need a little help to get through life, a little bit of advice and encouragement to help themselves out of a rut. That is why I live here"
The one recording then orders a drink and the video ends.