Grimnir Ironfoot's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Grimnir Ironfoot's first Contract.

I live in a rather comfy place, a rural abandoned farmhouse in the outskirts of Tooele.

For why I live in such a place. Well you see, I lack the transportation or otherwise a proper way to move. I may not have much but I believe my residence would be well noted. Plus, to begin were I had started in this vast large world because after reading some books and discovering this internet. I had learned the nearby mine I rose from is the largest, and I plan on using those grounds which prosper to begin my great age. My kingdom and empire to rise, and bring prosperity to my people. Lastly, its just easier here. The people are a bit odd but kind nonetheless and the jobs without questions just for building and hard labor. Construction jobs are quite plentiful with the remains after the work is over. 

My home itself though, tidy but the places I cant reach still remain of cobwebs and the wallpaper is faded and cracked. The garage remains my workspace for thats where my tools I found and brought remain upon my workbench. I repurposed shelfs to hold any materials for my projects and currently my lights are of lanterns and candles. I sleep on a large mattress that I sleep with a bunch of old blankets and quilts I found. I set it up near this wood-burning stove for warmth. The kitchen remains the kitchen with stored canned goods, and lastly I got me a stash books I lay about the place and I tried decorations. Its mainly of random pictures I have found or just decided to put runes of my homeland up carved on the walls. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Grimnir Ironfoot's first Contract.

Well its varies extremely. If I wish to truly put my skills to work. I usually go directly to active job sites in any neighborhood nearby going under construction or renovation. Meet directly with the foreman and offer my services, and despite my height I proved myself quite well. Most of the time I have gotten high appraisal with those I have worked so locally as of now with these minor construction groups they usually let me on board for good cash. 

If not construction I go talk to landscapers or handyman repair shops and ask about cash only jobs. Usually like moving materials, demolition, or just simple yard work. Mainly everyday I wanna work I go to a labor pool to get picked up to do jobs.

I spend me money on first the essentials. Water, food, clothing, coal and wood for fire. Then I go ahead an get me tools, work clothes, materials. So I can go big time on the projects I am working on to make living in the abandoned farm house a bit better.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Grimnir Ironfoot's first Contract.

My ambition is as put. To forge a new Dwarf Age.

What I mean for this is to rebuild my homeland in some fake copy, but establish a new era where my kinds virtues are accepted and taught to everyone as a whole. They would practice it and live by it to push the world to a new golden age. They will practice craftsmanship, resilience, loyalty, and strength. I am reclaiming my honor and establishing a new foundation for both the people of this world and my people. 

In bringing this era I will bring forth a guild and then dwarven enclave towards the goal of renovating these abandoned buildings into strongholds or workshops, give the modern weapons a dwarven touch, create artifacts that represent my cultures pride. To push forward in this movement I will find like minded people, we will gather and begin apprenticeships, guilds, movements in the ways of metalwork, forging, or stone craft. 

They will remember us by what we will leave behind and be influenced, we shall create large permanent structures of monumental scale that live beyond even my years but humanity itself. To contribute to the structure of the society, to make self reliance shown through renewable energy sources.

I would kill to bring this, I would come to deaths door for tea for I am the only one of my kin in these lands.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Grimnir Ironfoot's first Contract.

When I went back to where I started in this odd world, I had found something that reawoken the fire in me to push me into what I am doing now. Deep within those mines, deep farther where I had even came from. It is this long faded runestone, one of my people long ago. My kin were here, they somehow were and I have no clue how but this shows. I may be not alone here in this strange reality, the runestone remains a symbol of my hope. 

A hope to find my people, that in following my goal we can maybe gather and start anew in this realm. Show this odd and strange place our skills and what we are capable of. The runestone I had founded is both my hope, my evidence, and my ambition in what I progress. It has pushed me to keep living instead of trying to find a simple life in this realm.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Grimnir Ironfoot's first Contract.

Ragnar "Rags" Anderson -  A middle aged war veteran who works in the same pools as I do, being a handyman and repairman. He took a liking to me, seeing something of himself in me. He remains a presence in my life both as a close friend and mentor. He provides me with both advice and guidance, in both this new life and realm. 

Tess "The Sparrow" Callahan - She is my occasional business partner as she works in freelance contracting and is a scavenger, such as selling copper pipe for dollars. Me and her may work together sometimes depending on the job. Sometimes she works for me in finding materials and sometimes I for her in selling creations of mine for profit for the both of us. 

Hal Thompson - The fucking Landowner and I suppose authority figure in my life. He owns the land surrounding my farm house and he constantly pesters me every fucking day. Calling me a nuisance and eyesore when I am minding my business, trying to push my off the land or at the least clean the place. He calls me hoarder or crazy hermit, yet when I hear of his fucking woes of "My well pump broke, my fridge broke, my roof fell in." Who you think he comes running to fix shit on his farmland. Me, so I help this bastard and he lets me live in this abandoned home on his large land.