Devonia's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 7, Ghost Riders
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2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Ghost Riders



Mostly off of doing odd jobs and quests, given I tend to be relatively decent at everything, I could get by with minor side quests and utilizing the few job offers going around in NeoGenis for just help with small little projects and multiplayer games.... getting to help grow stuff and look into various animal biologics has been great for having something to do around here, and its got me thinking for a little thing of my own I want to try and do.... maybe I could grow a jungle, and grow some goods from there, maybe that will help with income a bit as well?

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Ghost Riders


                        Realistically, the first moment I remember was literally waking up in the middle of some ruins of a most likely once scientific lab smoldering from a old fire, and was promptly dropped into this new world with the expectations that I would DO these contracts, over and over and over again, till I likely died from one or was rendered unable to do so via insanity or a uncapable body. and with that, it makes sense that outside of them, and some vague hope of learning how I came to be, and unlocking more and more "gifts" to make it easier to complete contracts. If I do fail them, I don't get a gift, but nothing else other than what happened with the contract itself.

Regardless, I need to find a new ambition, a new goal to drive me, or CLYW's sacrifice would have been for nothing, and I will make sure to at least try my darndest

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Ghost Riders

Containment Room

Well, I don't really remember life before the Contract, but I certainly remember life before everyone else stopped being NPCs and started being actual people..... well, Id have to say it was honestly the moment I thought I had lost my Choker. essentially, there was a bird that had the ability to steal stuff, including a Seelie's skin, and my own choker, and quite frankly, we didn't figure shit out until the very end, and it came down to me having to make a unfortunate choice between me getting back my choker, or succeeding the contract....... and I went for my choker...... In the end, the other guy wrested the choker for me and took it for their own in retribution, and.... yeah, it reminds me of how brutal the contracts were compared to Neo Genis

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 7, Ghost Riders

People of Note

Well, so far there has been 3 people who I would roughly describe as knowing, given my interactions with them


First, there's CLYW, who helped me get out of the code void that seemed to be trapped in at one point, and did it seemingly just out of the kindness of his heart, and a notable sympathy for my situation, since he's also coded into the game, though it seems that he did it to himself to... presumably escape the real world. That's probably something else to look into eventually, but trying to get a hold of him for what the world is like will be tough because right now, he's being chased by a apparent Angel figure that seems to be a sort of anti virus system.

Then there's Sebastian, who's a actual player instead of someone who digitized themself into the game, and had their character partially based off of Fae lore, and seemingly wanted to get that codified eventually and get their own court, and that should be relatively easy for him given how he was able to nab a few coins off of me with a simple response from me..... probably should be careful around him just in case...

As for who I would be closest to? quite frankly, I do not know? given how hectic the previous simulations were and how my life is a blur past any significant contracts and only now am I even aware of the true nature of the world........ I don't really have a answer for that.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 221



                  I remember NONE of it, not who my parents were, where I lived, if I loved nature at first, and just lost and eventually regained that love. Was the Choker a sign I was created, or was it a gift made for me? no memories of School, of childhood friends, of my ORIGINAL GODDAMN NAME!


My life has just been as a Contractor, and as a person in Neo Genis


And its so incredibly LONELY not knowing what my life was like before, what it is to have a family, to know your reason to exist, and what came before. how its all just gone, a blank memory, gone because you needed to get the job done, to go further and further and further until you run yourself ragged or DEAD.


I can't be alone, I need to assure my friends that I can help them, ensure that they are safe, that I am worth being around, cause if they aren't, and they leave me,

Then Who Am I?

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 216


There are several Definitions of love, but the one I want to focus on is this

An Intense feeling of deep affection


Synonyms for this definition include fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment, devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship for some reason, passion, ardor, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, adulation, besottedness, compassion, care and caring, regard, solicitude, concern, Friendliness and friendship, kindness and kindliness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, altruism, philanthropy, unselfishness, benevolence, fellow feeling, humanity.........


what I've outlined is what I've been able to recognize as the symptoms I currently am experiencing, but do friends alone cause that? If not, then what else is it? I need to figure it out, else it might get in the way of protecting CLYW, Task/Finality, and Kaleigh......


what is it?

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 222

I want to

I feel that



Why is it so hard to write about this


Its simple, I know that I am capable of writing, I know what's going on, and remember it

I've changed from the mute guy needing to communicate with a notepad and a pen, the person who couldn't always help others in significant fashion, who knew literally nothing about what came before, what existed before. I changed into someone worth being around, worth it to be friends with, to depend on, to BE SOMEONE


I am existent, I am Devonia, I am Devonia


.........Who is Devonia?

who are they, what are they, why are they?

what is their history, where did they come from, what did they do, what do they do now? how do they interact with people, help them, or defend against them if need be? how do they get the job done, do they do it at the expense of others if its for a greater purpose, do they do it respectfully and honorably so that they don't hurt the feelings of those they care about?


Who is Devonia?

Why do they exist, what made them, for what purpose? to run simulation after simulation, to push them to the point of breaking? to be something used for the betterment of humanity? to just learn things because "we can!" to be a test subject for everyone to benefit, and to be remembered fondly

If a tree falls on me in the middle of nowhere, did it fall, or is it just on the ground, and I am just no more? 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 140

The contract where I nearly got my Choker stolen.......

Why do I care about it?


             Its a sign that I do have a history before. a sign that I have SOME history, that I came to be from some place, that something made me for a express purpose and reason, and that it was made to give me a voice to communicate with others, and that I have a reason to keep on trying to figure out what my history, that something is there for me to find in the first place.


The VCS Choker lets me have a voice, and lets me do so to question, to inquire about what is my history, what I forgot that is key to my own being, to my identity, what was lost when I was unconscious in that building fire that left me with no memories of..... who Q was, who I changed from initially.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook Entry 223

There are currently 2 problems in my life right now

The Angel threatening most of my friends, and these feelings surrounding my own Identity.

Right now, I only need to focus on making sure they are safe, and free to work on getting out of Neo Genis. CLYW, Task, and Finality are all at stake, and I don't want to lose them. I need to figure out more about the angel, see if there's SOME WAY to beat it, to end it and its threat to us, to Doomsday, to make it feel the same suffering it put on Task and CLYW and Kayleigh, make it feel the gravity of what it did,


I can't focus on my own feelings right now, others are at stake, others I care about, and all this changing can't be for nothing, I need to find a way to END THIS GODDAMN ANGEL


I'm sorry guys, but I have to do some research of my own....If I get marked, Ill keep in touch via DMs

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 215

given how so much is changed, how I start my day has changed significantly, I really do need to figure out a new schedule for what I do on a daily basis...


Well, lets start.... first, I wake up, probably on the ground or lounging on a hammock set on a tree somewhere PVP is disabled, so that Player killers as they are called aren't able to exactly jump me....


Then I go acquire a toothbrush, tooth paste, and then go and grab a food at any of the restaurants in Neo Genis, Player run or NPC run doesn't matter, as long as the food is good and filling. After I have my Breakfast, I go and brush my teeth, see if I can't find a pool of water or even better, a waterfall, to shower in. Then some mental exercises to prepare myself for whatever activities Ill need to think through and how stressed I might get while doing so.


There is some definite variation from day to day, but otherwise that's my normal start to a day......  

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook Entry 216

I think as for wanting to prepare for a event, it'd probably involve ensuring I'm clean, making sure that any notable protruding horns and such are covered up by a good coat, making sure that my own suit can still restrain my body into a more.... normally shaped form that looks at least more "Normal shaped human"

Sometimes my upper chest is a bit of a challenge to get squished into position, but its not bad enough to take more than 2 minutes to get it into proper shape. The rest of my torso, arms, and legs aren't as bad, and the entire process takes roughly... 8 to 10 positions to get into the shape I'll need it to be, and of course this is ALL after Hygiene is taken care of. 

After that, then its making my hair is combed properly, and that itself can be a ordeal, since it seems to matt sometimes, and just gets longer even after I cut it down to size several times! Heck, I've even noticed it's started to grow strands of Yellow, Orange, and Red hair!? Its not too big of a issue, just confusing for now

There's probably more to account for, but Ill probably ask CLYW and Kayleigh on what else I might need to prepare for as well....

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook Entry 219

Well, I have no idea when my birthday is. Its something I've only really started thinking about ever since I saw

Regardless, I don't really think I CAN do anything for my birthday. without a solid date or even a frame of time for me to place when I was..... Born? Made? Created, I guess. I can't really say "Hey guys, my birthday is in a few days, want to do something then?" without a solid date to give for any stuff we want to do together, and I would need to figure that out myself anyways before I do try to do anything related....

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook entry 141

...Back when I first remembered loosing that choker, I always had that thought in the back of my head
"what if I took what we needed for the win?"
I would have lost my choker temporarily, yes, but we would have won another game, and I could effectively track it as well but... it was part of my identity...

though my name was worth so goddamn more

sacrificed in the name of getting the job done, it was a simple slip up made while dealing with a fucking Fae. I still remember loosing it, and yet I DON'T REMEMBER MY NAME. It wasn't even something done on purpose, it was a accident that cost me one of the few things I think I remembered from my childhood, and just....

Devonia is my name, but is it my identity? And why am I just... so focused on figuring it out with everything else going on, with the world around me changing, yet I decide the past is more interesting than the future.....

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Maikendo

Logbook Internal Review

Alright, this will be a different little thing from normal, and mostly a look towards what my powers seem to be based off of so far....

First of all, my powers seem to be heavily based off of most aspects of life, including flora, fauna, and genetics as well, and that seems to be based off what whatever was done initially to my body to boost it to such a degree.  Enhanced senses, heightened reaction time, speed and flexibility, densely concentrated muscle mass, and heighted social and intellectual aptitude, seemingly all done with something called the "Crucible of life" Implying a forge of sorts some how....

Is it perhaps a forged life in a sense, or is it akin to harnessing Life itself, like Frankenstein creating life out of various corpse parts?

And can that be used to explain what I even am, or what I might become eventually?  


16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 14, Thalassophobia

Logbook entry 235

I've managed to come across a recent major discovery on the history of the crucible, a part of the Babylon jungle, and a potential trail on finding the other fragments of the crucible, now that I know that it's been at least partially fractured.

For the first thing of note, a Spiritual plane kind of just.... exists? basically, after coming across a magical book that i for some reason thought was laced with drugs, we found a location to some stairs seemingly leading to nowhere, that historically are known to lead to hell or places of relative bad mojo. We were going to go up them when me and clyw first found them, but  got distracted by a monster hunter that.... we are going to have to take care of later...

but as for the spiritual world, there has been some interesting ruins so far with a ancient language that I can understand thanks to the fragment I carry with me... I wonder how the religion of this place is.... I never really have *been* in a religion, have I....