Danny lives in the South Side of Los Angeles, in a run down apartment she's been in for years now. She ran away from home at 17, having both graduated early from high school, and having been kicked out by her parents. Danny's mother and father were poor, and beyond that, never appreciated Daniella the same way she wished they had. All the girl could afford was an older apartment in the bad part of the city, and with that apartment she's stayed. Danny's tried to hustle her way out of her current situation, but nothing's seemed to stick for the young woman. Just when it seems like she would get away from this dead end life...She's brought back in. Her latest job, doing night shifts at a gas station in the south side, had further entrenched Danny in her current location. Still, she remains desperate for a way out. That, or someone who can remove herself from it themselves.
Danny's primary way of making money is by working night shifts at a gas station in the south side of Los Angeles. Whether or not it makes all that much money is another story. The shifts themselves are surprisingly uneventful, but then again, Danny isn't a fighter. There's been break-ins, and definitely vandalism, but nothing as serious as an armed robbery. There is one other thing though, something Danny hasn't admitted to even her closest friends. As a kind of "side hustle", Danny has cat-fished multiple men for financial gain. While dangerous, given she uses some variation of her real identity to sell who she says she is, the young woman can't drag herself away from both the thrill and gain it provides. The control she has over the people she tricks, and the importance it gives to herself are worth more than any potential risk. At least in Danny's mind
Danny's goal is simple, albeit completely delusional by most people's standards. The young gas station attendant has dreams of becoming the president of the United States, Why? Well quite simply, because it would be the ultimate position of power she could take. It seems far off to most, but to Danny herself, she'd be willing to do near anything to obtain this. Danny's entire life has been filled with nothing but suppression and hardship, most every person she knew well either actively or passively putting her down. Regardless if that's the truth or not, that perceived oppression has led the girl to want power simply for power's sake. It's quite literally the only thing that drives her in the dead-end life she occupies. Risking shame, dishonor, destruction or death is nothing to her in comparison to that ambition. Danny simply needs somewhere to start the fire, and blaze her trail from there
Danny's defining event was her move to Los Angeles at the age of 12. While on the surface this move seemed like a positive change, all the cracks in the girl's life only showed themselves when this had happened. Her father had lost his old job, and her mother couldn't afford to keep them all afloat with hers. The only solution was to try again somewhere else. Danny left what few friends and family she had to go to L.A., only for her parents to become even more cold, distant and hateful towards both her and one another. Danny never truly grew into her own, despite her clear academic prowess. She had no friends, no ambitions, and upon graduating from the school she cared little for, no home. Her downwards spiral was long, and arguably started before she arrived in Los Angeles, but the greatest slip was that move. At least to Danny herself.