Nikita Green's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Nikita Green's first Contract.

"...what kind of question is this?



Well, I live in one of the Cylinders, obviously. The one with a lot of Reclaimers. There's a big apartment building I live in. I have a bed. A kitchen living room kind of thing. With a chair in it I guess. There's a small table I eat at too. I keep all of my gear in the corner of the living room.

Decorations? Why would I. It's just a place to sleep.

Anyways, I live here because it's my home. Where else am I supposed to live? The Geneheads and the Engine Cult aren't very welcoming, and I'm not a farmer.

We done? Okay."

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Nikita Green's first Contract.

"I'm a salvager. I salvage.

Reclamation does all sorts of shit, but I do salvage. Go into old areas of the ship, cutting up machines that aren't needed anymore. Harvesting important parts and saving scrap metal for reuse. Sometimes, if there's something in space or whatever, we grab that too. We're all about reusing things in the Reclamation. That's the whole point. I'm not one of those suckers who works with water and air. I clean up hard parts. Electronics and metal.

And bodies. I've cleaned up bodies too. You have to clean up dead people sometimes. It happens. People die. And sometimes you've got to clean that up too."

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Nikita Green's first Contract.

" I allowed to say this? Mmm.

Fine. I want to help fix things here. The Odysseyus is a shithole. Everybody knows that. We're staying alive out here, and that's mostly it. The Mutiny was just the icing on the cake. This is nothing but stagnation and drifting.

I know I'm not that smart. I know machines, but I don't get people. And people find me off-putting too. I'm not stupid. I know I can't do this by myself. At the end of the day, something has to change, or we're all going to rot to death in here. And I'm not here to rot. If that benefits people in the process, so be it. I'll lend whatever help I can offer.

...I would. People die. People are going to die. I'm not going to kill everyone, obviously. But people will die, and I'm ready for that.

I'm gonna help melt this place to the ground, and we'll see what we can put together after."

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Nikita Green's first Contract.

"Well. My job.

I've always been a part of Reclamation. People like me don't move to different departments. Not that I want to. But I wasn't suited to purifying the air and water. I'm not built for fiddly little machines. I broke things all the time. It was awful and I hated it. Every day something was breaking, and you can only get yelled at so many times before it starts to get on your nerves.

But I was offered a job switch. The salvage team had recently lost somebody, and they were looking for somebody big, somebody who hauls and destroys and harvests. I was perfect.

And it's good. My life took a turn for the better after I got onto the salvage team. I'd kill somebody before I go back.

Am I allowed to say that."

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Nikita Green's first Contract.

"I don't know very many people.

My mom is still alive, I guess. Out there somewhere, locked in her stupid purification job. Never was really that close to her. But she's still around. Sometimes I go get food with her if she begs enough.

My old boss in water purification. I hated him. A stupid blowhard who only saw numbers on a screen and nothing else. I was a big, broken stain on his stupid record, and I costed him and the people I worked for a really pretty penny. Those purification terminals aren't cheap, you know. There's a lot of important little things in there, and it had been getting really hard to replace the shit I was crushing. Glad to be away from him. He irritated me.

I guess. The person that I'm closest to is my current boss. Baya. She's head of the salvage crew I work with, and she gets me. We're at work to do work, and we go out for drinks occasionally, and outside of that we don't really talk. It's a nice balance. Only bothers me if she needs to, and we can toss a couple words at each other while on the job without it hurting the salvaging. Definitely Baya."