The screen pops out or a compartment built into the wall. Alexandria (“Ria”) is in her bedroom, the one she shares with Amara (“Amy”) and Octavia (“Tav”).
The room is large enough that it could have 3 separate child sized beds, with space for curtains to hang from the ceiling giving each sibling her privacy. Instead, three beds have been stacked on top of each other, with the top hanging from the ceiling giving them a lot of free space in the room.
Ria has the most space, but the least things. A bit of floor cleared for dancing and singing. Her sisters let her do it, as the youngest of the trio and has made it worth it for them, leading many nights of merriment, with Ria leading games or singing and dancing.
Ria clicks on the screen a few times, then starts recording.
”Hi journal!
Apa said that I should start thinking about who I want to be. Training is starting soon and …”
“… I suppose I get it.
Everyone else who is older knows what they wanna do, and has been training.
Like. I know my family will take care of me. Like we took care of Lee when he had a rough few years… but I want to be able to help more!
I want to have a job and money so that I can have my own cluster full of life and love and family like we have. I need money for that. And that means I need to learn a job and do my part.
But I don’t know what that is yet.
I mean…. I know what I want, sort of …”
“… the thing I really want to do is to work to reunite the ship!”
Ria retreats a bit, taking a breath before resuming her talking. She looks a little flustered.
”I know that is a little naive. That it’s been like this for forever, and that it will take a lot of work. Dad says that some problems with the ship can’t be fixed quickly, that you need to make a little bit of progress every generation.
You plant seed, and make sure it has plenty of sun. Then the next generation waters it and clears the weeds, and the third generation eats the fruit.
Ria says this last with a bit of a stilted tone, as if she is repeating something heard.
” But I don’t think it should be so hard!
Everyone in my family loves eachother and takes care of eachother! Why can’t the whole ship be like that.
So. I guess that is what I want to do. But I don’t know how that will lead to me having money, or a life.
But… I feel like I need to do something special…”
“… Apa risked a lot to make me a part of this family.”
Ria starts to get a little emotional. She take a breath. She breaths in. Her face is calm again.
“They haven’t told me everything. But they used to work with a bunch of scientists. Apa still knows the language, but doesn’t talk about the time.
But Daddy tells be about it! Apparently Apa left for years. Wanting to work on some science project.”
Ria frowns.
“Daddy gets the same frustrated feeling when he talked about it as he does when he talked to me about the work of generations. He thinks things should be safe and slow.
But Apa came back from that time with me. Apa said they saved me, and that it has to be secret. But doesn’t say anything else.
So… I know that somewhere on the ship, there are probably more kids that need to be rescued. Like I was. So. I don’t want to do the slow work like Daddy does.”
“… which doesn’t mean I don’t get it… Daddy does such a good job taking care of us. So many of the older kids are doing important and good things now! The ship is a lot better because of him. He always has him for me. Which… not to say that Mommy, mama, papa and Apa don’t, but Daddy has the most time since his job is to take care of us and the house. And he is really good at his job.”
Ria stops. This was too much. She was getting off topic. She’ll pause for now.
She presses a button and the screen auto saves and folds back into the wall.
The screensaver is her family, all gathered together, even the older kids.
She was the youngest and they all had plans and what they were going to do.
Amara (Amy) was a year older, but had already decided she was going to be a cultivator, and make a home like theirs somewhere else. She had brown hair and bright green eyes.
Octavia (Tav) was two years older than Ria, and was going to be a “code monkey” like Mama is. She had her own computer, so she could practice on her own.
Rex (12), Mat(13), Tom(13) and Yiz(14) were all didn’t know exactly what they would do, but they were doing really well in all their trainings, so nobody was worried about them.
Ziz (15) was certain that she would be a singer, and had taught Ria most of what she knew. But Ria didn’t follow it with the same passion Ziz did.
Yew (16) and Wey(16) were both math and science geniuses, and sure to find a job sitting and thinking hard all day on important projects. Both of them had be born using a custom genome, differing only in their sex, so even if they did feel directionless, at least they knew their future would include each-other.
Les (21) was training with the local police, and security.
Elk (23) had a job working in administration of greens spaces, and seemed happy.
Lee (25) was a driver and training to be a pilot, and seemed happy with his life now. Ria had worried about him with all the others
It was her turn now. To become someone .