Horatio lives in the lab at the rear of the ship to be closer to his work. His office is a perpetual mess, and he showers in the decontamination unit. His excuse is his genius is racing all the time and take the time to set up a proper quarters.
Horatio is obsessed with perfection of the human race. He won't rest until everyone aboard The Odysseus matches his vision of physical, mental, and spiritual perfection. It just so happens that Horatio thinks he is perfection incarnate.
Now he just needs to find a way to spread his perfection to everyone else aboard the Odysseus, and he'll be set. That's all.
Horatio takes his salary from the trade of research for materials between Bioengineering and Command and Control. Horatio mainly spends his stipend on furthering his research into physical perfection. Well, his idea of physical perfection in the least.
Horatio thinks his current body is as close to perfection as he can make it currently. He hopes to find a way to make himself immune to a number of physical aliments, and common environmental conditions found on The Odysseus.
Things on this to-do list include buy aren't limited too:
Extreme heat
Extreme cold
High radiation
Lack of food
Lack of water
Horatio wants to achieve physical and mental perfection. Not just for himself, but the entire crew of The Odysseus. Sacrifices are bound to be made. Horatio is interested only in results, and doesn't care of the means to get them.
Horatio will sacrifice his colleagues without hesitation if would bring him closer to his vision of perfection. All others are just test subjects for his experiments.
Horatio regularly experiments with conscious clones, just to observe the effects on a live subject. If a sain person where to visit his personal lab, they would be greeted with horrors only imagined as he works to achieve his vision.
Horatio's idea of a perfect being is one that's beautiful beyond reason, undying, no need for food, air, or water, and the ability to enforce their will on others without resistance.
Horatio's most defining moment was when his mentor used him as a test subject for an experiment. The Mentor's experiment was to create a better being, better adapted to the riggers of space flight.
The experiment, unfortunately, failed to yield any useful results, but it resulted in Horatio's unusual height, and rail thin appearance. Horatio was horrified at his new look, but that's when the culture of the Biogenetics Department really set in.
Deeming Horatio a failed experiment, Horatio's mentor abandoned him. Thankfully, by that time, Horatio had already absorbed plenty of knowledge from his mentor, and was able to adapt to his new body, and the department at large.
Horatio's Mentor, Lazarus Adam, was a father figure to Horatio. He showed Horatio nearly everything he knew when it comes to medical and biological sciences. Horatio was only abandoned when Horatio himself was used in an experiment to create a most perfect being, and the experiment failed. Horatio doesn't know what happened to Lazarus after the failed experiment, but it's believed Lazarus is still alive, working on other projects.
Horatio's now mentors and assistant as well, Thomas Horatio. As part of agreeing to take on Thomas as an apprentice, Thomas had to change his name to match Horatio's. Thomas himself hasn't been used in any experiments...yet, but it's not off the table.
Finally, there's Horatio's rival researcher, Otis How. Otis How has been a thorn in Horatio's side ever since they both worked under Lazarus. Otis was jealous Horatio was chosen for the experiment over him, and they've been sabotaging each other's research whenever possible ever since.